Copyright 2007-2011 Kimberley Woodhouse

All content and photographs unless otherwise noted All rights reserved

No Safe Haven Book Trailer

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Reading Contest - More Info!!!

WOW!! You guys are amazing :)

I've had so many people enter this contest, I need to hire a secretary just to keep up with all of you. :)

And I know you are all wanting more info. Well, I will be posting some info this next week about the incredible authors who are donating books for the prizes - and WOW do we ever have some GREAT prizes!

So, how are you doing? How many pages have you read? How many books? How's your Bible reading coming?

My life has been really nuts lately, but thanks for sticking with me and helping me to keep chugging along!

Keep Reading!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I Have This Friend...

Do you have friends that stick to you like glue, even when you embarrass yourself or do something stupid? I want to hear your stories.

I have a friend who loves me, and is always encouraging me that, "there is only one Kim." (Many people are probably thinking, "Praise God, there's only one!" Because I am a little on the crazy side.)

And I have several friends who stick with me even through my insane schedule and lack of communication. (I am SO thankful for that!)

And I have friends who started out as teaching buddies, grew into scrapbook buddies, Bible Study buddies -and then into the closest of friends - who knows how God is going to bless you with that special friend!

And I have a friend that has shared some of life's most difficult moments. We have been through the "wringer" together.

So, I'm going to tell you a story about one of my friends. My sister was getting married, and I was doing the cakes, catering, dresses, flowers, etc. This friend and I traveled together for the week of wedding preparation - otherwise known as code words "wedding chaos."

We had 4 kids in car-seats. In a mini-van. With ALL the stuff for the wedding (i.e. cake pans, all the cake decorating paraphenalia, flowers, pedestals, bows, etc.) Not to mention luggage and diaper bags, things to entertain the munchkins -- oh, and a TV/VCR bunjie-corded in for the kids to watch. (Anyone who knows me, knows that I am prepared for EVERYTHING - and do not under any circumstances, "travel light.")Go ahead and laugh.

Let's pause for a moment and really let that sink in. Deep Breath. You're probably all thinking that we were crazy. Well, that's beside the point - even if it is true.

An hour outside of our little town, we got lost in a city. The little highway we were following, zig-zagged through the big city, but for some unknown reason - the signs weren't all there to tell us which way to turn to follow said highway. Yeah. That was fun. We were in Louisiana, and needed to make it to Chattanooga, Tennessee. Oh boy.

Four adorably-sweet-children all asked at the same time, "are we in Tennesseesseessee yet?" Questions about our location were banned from that moment on. Of course, they were our chatter-box babies, and other questions filled the trip - but not about where we were at any given time. We told them we were on an adventure. And we were.

I still don't know how we survived that week. I do remember arriving in Tennessee the next day, and I vaguely remember a trip to the aquarium - and my friend and the kiddos going on a train ride. Other than that, it's all a blur of cake, cake, and more cake, buttercream icing, cheesecakes, heart-shaped crab dips, heart-shaped ice cubes, and lots of other heart-shapes... and purple... and lights... lots of lights. Oh, and don't forget the golf-course cake for my brother-in-law-to-be whose birthday was the day before the wedding, and the hundreds of chocolate-covered strawberries.

But - we will never forget the fun, and the bond we shared. It was such a special trip in so many different ways, and a crazy escapade.

So, I would love to hear some of your stories. What does "friend" mean to you? Someone you can cry with? Someone you can laugh with? Someone you can bare your soul to? Someone who will love you no matter what you do? Let me hear about that - comment on this blog, or email me through the website. Let me know if you mind your story being shared or not.

And to all of my wonderful friends - you know who you are - Thanks for sticking with me through thick and thin.

New Website! And Discovery Health Channel Info

I don't post here often because most everything is on my website:

But I have had thousands of emails since the last ABC EMHE airing and want to make sure that everyone can find what they are looking for.

The Discovery Health Channel will be airing our Mystery ER episode on September 8, 2008. Please check your local listings for accurate times.

And if you have questions, hop on over to the website. There are a couple of ways to contact me through there, or comment here on this blog.

God Bless You and thank you for your wonderful support!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Chocolate Baklava, Green Beans, Reading Contests, Schedules... My Life

DISCLAIMER: This blog post may make complete sense, or no sense whatsoever. Good luck following my train of thought.

Wow - who knew that another airing of our EMHE would put my life in the spin cycle again? (Don't answer that, I'm sure many of you predicted it.)

I've had thousands of emails, contacts, and phone calls. It has been amazing how many wonderful people have helped us, encouraged us, provided new cooling products to try for Kayla, and blessed us with smiles and cards -- And then, how many people we've been able to help by encouraging them, pointing them in the right direction, or helping with medical questions and sources of information.

All of that in and of itself - made me think that there really should be about ten of me to keep up. But wait - it gets better.

I also challenged my readership to a reading contest (see the blogs about our new reading contest)just a couple of weeks prior to all of this. Hundreds of people have entered and are asking their friends to join. And I have wonderful authors who have donated incredible books for the prizes. (I promise I will get to your email about the contest if I haven't yet!) :)

AND - I'm a wife and a mom. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

AND - I homeschool my kiddos. (And another child.)This year is major, with lots of dificult work, and lots of teaching and planning on my part. (I say that every year... and each year it keeps growing...LOL)

AND - I'm writing several books.

AND - last week we canned hundreds of jars of blackberry jelly, strawberry jam, and salsa.

AND - after the Olympic Trials, we had a lot of encouragement for Kayla to be on a swim team, since her dream is to swim in the Olympics. She is so excited about it, too!(Let's see, that adds only eight more hours to our already eighteen hours/week swim schedule.)

AND - I've lost my mind. (This should need no further explanation.)

AND - I'm NOT superwoman. Or supermom. Or superwife. Or superkim. I've tried, but sad to say, it hasn't happened. (Maybe I need to make myself a costume, with a cape --- oooh and I need boots, too! ...then again, maybe not.)

SO, yesterday, Kayla was having a little bit of a "down" day. We're all exhausted from the day-in/day-out crazy schedule. Everyone needed a little pick-me-up, a little encouragement, a little of Mom's "love." AKA - mom in the kitchen baking something sweet.

Kayla asked for chocolate baklava. i.e.- Eighty layers of ooey-gooey, buttery, sugary, flaky, yummy, don't-want-to-know-the-calorie/fat-count, chocolatey goodness.

Josh asked for green beans. i.e. - green beans. (Both of my kids love vegetables, don't get me wrong-- it just made me laugh!)

I made both :)(I know, quite a combination, but I promise there were things other than just baklava and green beans.)

And as we finished yet another grueling week of school, we talked about family - and how we stick together, work together, play together, and sacrifice together.

Life is hard, and crazy, and fun, and distracting, and sad, and adventurous. But GOD is still God - and HE is good.

So-- I may not be superwoman, I may not be able to swim as fast as my kids anymore, but - I love them dearly, make a mean baklava, and am ready to face what comes each day.

My Life-- I praise God for it. Moment by moment and day by day.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Help for AnnaSophia

I'd like to spread the word about much-needed help for little AnnaSophia. She has had her heart transplant, and some wonderful people in our area are helping out. I know what it is like to have the medical bills soar, and for a community to come together and help - and so I would like to plead with you all in the area to pass the word around and reach out to this precious family.

Local merchants, friends pitch in to help heart-transplant baby

Small business owners John Leavitt of Sports Clips and Doug Howell of Smoothie King have teamed up to help a Falcon baby born with severe heart defects. The two are hosting fundraisers in August at their businesses (details below) to benefit the Family Fund for AnnaSophia Berry.

AnnaSophia Berry was born Dec. 31, 2007 with misaligned arteries and a hole in her heart. When several open-heart surgeries failed to correct the problems and her heart eventually began to fail, doctors put her on the heart transpant list. She received her new heart July 12.

Her parents and two older siblings have had to temporarily relocate to the Ronald McDonald House near the Children's Hospital in Aurora to be close to the hospital for emergency visits and check-ups, while her father attempts to continue working at his job in Colorado Springs.

Fundraisers for the family's medical expenses and related costs are as follows:

Sunday, Aug. 10: Smoothie King, 9275 N. Union (at Briargate Parkway), will donate 30 percent of the day's proceeds to the fund.

All Saturdays in August: Sport Clips, 3736 Bloomington St. (Powers Boulevard and N. Carefree Circle), will donate $5 from each MVP haircut service to the fund.
The fundraisers are organized by a group of friends who seek to support the Berry Family.

NOTE: More information about AnnaSophia and the Berry Family is posted at

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Another Year, Another Birthday...

So, another year has passed, and I am getting older. I don't mind, although I often wonder where the time has gone, and why has it gone so quickly.

Anyway, my birthday is coming up and my kids have lovingly teased me about a comment my son made a couple years ago.

It was the year I turned thirty-three. We had been having a fun, together-at-home day. Late in the afternoon, my son all-of-a-sudden gasped REALLY LOUD...

"Mom!" He exclaimed.

"What, Honey?" I just knew he had thought of something sweet and profound to tell me.

And without missing a beat, he informed me, "You're as old as Jesus was when He died!"

Let's just say that everyone else there laughed. Hard.

I attempted to keep a straight face and looked at my loving boy, Josh. "Wow. I hadn't thought of that. And I'm so proud of you for remembering how old Jesus was when He was crucified, and then rose again. Thank you for telling me."

My husband, Jeremy, tousled our sweet boy's hair and Josh ran off to build something with legos, I'm sure. Jeremy smiled, "Out of the mouths of babes, huh?"

We laughed, and we have laughed about it ever since, but it has also made me think. Josh did say something very profound that day.

Jesus lived such a short life here on earth and yet, accomplished so much. And He was perfect. Sinless. Never made a mistake. As believers, we are supposed to be striving to be like Him. So, on that day of my thirty-third birthday, my son reminded me of what I should be working toward. These precious years we've been given in this life are not about us. A lot of people think they are, but they aren't. They live their lives selfishly and does it help them in any way?

My questions for today are not easy. What are you living for? WHO are you living for? What have you done with your life? It doesn't matter if you are sixteen or sixty - these questions still apply to you. Are you caught up in the day-to-day stress and forget the end goal? Are you running toward that finish line? Where is your focus? Do you get distracted and take little side trails?

I wrote a post a year ago entitled, "Running... Out of Time"
I've updated it a little and am reposting it. I think we all need the reminder.

"Running... Out of Time"
I'm always amazed at how time flies! Our beautiful daughter had brain surgery almost two years ago; it feels like it was just yesterday, and it also feels like a lifetime has passed since then. Where did the time go? My kids were babies just yesterday . . . weren't they? My beautiful sister reminded me that my son will be a teenager soon . . . let's just NOT go there! :) (And Josh is a teenager now!)

My title for this was: Running . . . out of time. Aren't we all running? Shouldn't we be running? Hebrews 12:1-3 says this, "Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart." (NASB)

So yes, I'm running. And I'm running out of time - we ALL are. I'm running the race set before me and as the enemy tries to steal my time (especially my writing time, it seems) I'm going to keep ON running. How many more people will God place in my path? I don't know - because I don't know how much time I have left -- but I DO know that He wants me - and all of us - to be lights for Him, use the gifts that He has given us, and keep running the race.

Throw off those encumbrances, get rid of that sin, fix your eyes on Jesus and let's run with whatever amount of time we have left.