I'm always amazed at how time flies! Our beautiful daughter had brain surgery 11 months ago; it feels like it was just yesterday, and it also feels like a lifetime has passed since then. Where did the time go? My kids were babies just yesterday . . . weren't they? My beautiful sister reminded me that my son will be a teenager soon . . . let's just NOT go there! :)
In the midst of homeschooling and everyday life (and all of the chaos from the past couple of years) -- I actually have people who think since we are home all of the time that I have lots of time on my hands! To this, I have to laugh. Yes, we don't go anywhere and we don't get out of the house much - but, we CAN'T. Our lives are different from everyone else. Kayla must live in a constant temperature - to change that could put her life at risk. Our world is inside our home. And our lives are VERY busy. Homeschooling takes up a huge amount of time, but we love it.
Well, I digress. I'm a musician and I love music and all my training, but I feel the Lord has called me to write. I have been writing for about 10 years now - but for the longest time was afraid to even tell anyone! I basically thought it was a good outlet for me - you know for all of this creative energy and thought that we "artsy, creative" types have. :) (My husband teases me about my "wheels" always turning and that I can't shut them off- I try, but I fail . . . every time.) Anyway, several very influential people helped me to see that I was hiding in my fear. So, I ventured forth. Tracie, Jim, Heather, Mary, Polly, Carrie and many others have been there to encourage and are ready to prod me along-- even to give that occasional "kick in the pants" that I really DO need! :) God is so good to provide just what and who we need at the right times.
My title for this was: Running . . . out of time. Aren't we all running? Shouldn't we be running? Hebrews 12:1-3 says this, "Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart." (NASB)
So yes, I'm running. And I'm running out of time - we ALL are. I'm running the race set before me and as the enemy tries to steal my time (especially my writing time, it seems) I'm going to keep ON running. How many more people will God place in my path? I don't know - because I don't know how much time I have left -- but I DO know that He wants me - and all of us - to be lights for Him, use the gifts that He has given us, and keep running the race.
Throw off those encumbrances, get rid of that sin, fix your eyes on Jesus and let's run with whatever amount of time we have left.