Our year-long reading contest is coming to a close! Everyone needs to get their tallies in to me by June 30th.
We've had over 3,500 participants write in over the past year that they were participating, and we have WONDERFUL prizes - lots of great books donated from INCREDIBLE authors! Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this possible.
Remember to email through the site -
Your name, your address, total number of books read with title and author, total number of pages read, and if you read through the entire Bible in this past year. Am I missing anything?
Winners will be announced in July, (if all 3,500 of you send in sheets, it may take us awhile to sort through them all) and we will be sending out the prizes. My wonderful friend and assistant, Lori, will be having fun at the post office - that's for sure!
Thanks for being a part of the contest. I can't wait to hear from you!
Keep reading!!!