Copyright 2007-2011 Kimberley Woodhouse

All content and photographs unless otherwise noted All rights reserved

No Safe Haven Book Trailer

Monday, June 16, 2008


Congratulations to Laura - with her guess of Woodkaylakimjoshjemy - It is the closest to the name of the tumanhofer in DragonLight! (Ha! You thought I was going to tell you the name, didn't you? You will just have to read the books - and boy, are they worth it!)

And a round of applause for Leila - our honorable mention - who also wins a great prize - because her guesses were so stinking creative! One of my favorites is: Kimberlashuamy

DragonLight releases tomorrow: June 17, 2008! So be sure to pick up your copy.

I have emailed these great ladies, and thanks to all of you who participated. We had over 650 guesses overall - and it was quite the challenge keeping up with all of you creative people!

Be watching for future book giveaways!

And read, read, read.

You guys are so much fun!