I've had at least fifty of you wonderful people ask me if there was ever an "ending" to my mailbox story.
Well, I'm pleased to announce - we have MBUs. I still don't know what that stands for, and I don't want to know - so don't spoil it by telling me. :) We have many neighbors now, so it needed to happen. Today, I received my mail in my nice, little, locked slot. Our mail carrier, Tom, is about the sweetest thing ever as we laughed about my lovely mailbox in a tub which has served us well these past months. I guess it will have to be retired now. Several asked for me to post a picture of this. (I mean really, can you imagine my mailbox on a post in a bucket of cement in front of the Extreme Makeover home?)Quite the sight, let me tell you! I may just have to add that to my list so you can see.
So, to give you hopefully a chuckle, and some insight into "Kim doesn't always handle things perfectly" - I'd like to re-post this little snippet entitled:
Nothing Simple About the Mail...
***Do you remember the day when your mail box was on your front porch? Or better yet, you had a slot in your front door and it just came shooting through? I remember being a kid and trying to catch it and then yelling, "THANK YOU!" back through the slot at our mail-carrier. He always smiled, laughed and shook his head at me. He told me once, that I was the only one to ever say thank-you and I had a very unique way of doing it. And my guess was that he at least preferred it over a barking dog.
I was musing over this yesterday as my friend Lori and I were hauling a giant tub, filled with 60 pounds of concrete, a post, and you guessed it - a mailbox out to the curb. Why would we do this, you ask? Well, let me tell you! (With a smile on my face, of course!)
A couple of weeks ago, we found out our mail was no longer going to be delivered. (We are the only house in the neighborhood right now, and we had a great mail-carrier who was bringing it to us - after the Post Office had hemmed and haw-ed over what to do with us... again, another crazy adventure in my life - but, that's beside the point - it gets better...)
I called the Post Office in my sweet, sing-song voice but unfortunately, spoke with someone who cared very little that I am without my mail and they proceeded to give me another number to call. So, I tried the next number. This time, I didn't even get to explain... they hung up on me. By the third phone call, I had lost a little of my "nice guy" voice and was greeted by someone who needs a little work on their manners. And I'm being generous here. I had witnesses to my side of the conversation and they were laughing - yes, laughing - because I was not allowed to finish one comment or sentence. Enter - my temper. I raised my voice (yes, I know, not a very nice thing to do) and said, "You have not allowed me to finish one thing I have tried to say - WILL YOU PLEASE LISTEN?!?!?!?!"
Let's just say... things went downhill from there. And I felt the stress just oozing over the phone lines. I now understand where the phrase, "going postal" came from. I made a smart remark, "Isn't it the Post Office's job to deliver the mail?" I don't think she liked me after that. I was informed that the Post Office didn't have the time or resources to do door to door delivery. Okay... ?? In my mind, I'm thinking, "So...wow, how is everyone else getting their mail?"
At this point in time, I'm confused, aggravated and unsure of the next step. I'm given yet, another number to talk to another P.O. (Post Office) employee. I was less than enthusiastic about calling, but dialed nonetheless.
"You need a mailbox." She said - since the MBU thingies weren't up yet in our neighborhood. (MBU - stands for Mail Box Units? Multiple Box Units? Mail But Undeliverable? I don't know - I'm guessing... you try!) Anyway, we already had a mailbox - it was sitting on the front porch where they told me to put it months ago.
Yay! We would get mail!
Um, no.
That would be too hard for the mail person - they'd have to get out of their vehicle and walk up to the porch. (Wouldn't they have to get out of their vehicle and walk up to the MBU? I know, I know - I'm thinking too hard. I need to be nice.)I've never had to deal with a situation like this, so I'm at a loss. And our old mail carrier had been so nice, I didn't understand what was happening.
"No, put it out on the sidewalk," she said. Okay...? It can't be put on a permanent post because they'll be putting in the MBUs - so I put the mailbox out on the sidewalk. (Let me tell you how great this looked, and how many questions I received about the mailbox sitting in the middle of the sidewalk!)
Yay! Now... we'll get mail...??
Um, no. Close, but, not quite.
"Put it on a temporary post, in a bucket, on the curb."
Thus, Monday morning, Lori and I carrying out a tub filled with concrete, a post and a mailbox. A very nice-looking mailbox I might add. A little odd with the tub and concrete - but, nevertheless a nice-looking mailbox.
Now, if you can read between the lines, you know there's more to the story -- but, that would take up way too much space. So, you're wondering... how does this story end?
I don't know. I'm still waiting for my mail. :)***
*** And now, we have the ending. Our happily-ever-after with mail being delivered in the MBUs. I have to say, looking back, I feel really bad for causing more stress for the poor Post Office people who obviously had too much on their plates to begin with and didn't know what to do with me and my mail. I truly wasn't trying to be difficult. :) I promise.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
Our episode of EM:HE will air again this Sunday, July 27, 2008 on ABC.
I'd like to take a moment to thank all of the thousands of wonderful people who nominated us over the years for the show. When we heard about the nominations, tears flowed... abundantly.
God is so good. Through Josh's life and death hopitalizations. Through Kayla's trials and triumphs with her disorder. Through her brain surgery and recovery. And through the day to day challenges we've faced, God is so good. And He will continue to be.
This experience has changed our lives in many, many ways. Kayla's health has skyrocketed in the time we've been in our new home, and Josh hasn't had one incident with his asthma. I don't have to take Kayla's temp all the time inside our home. And as we are in the hot months, spending time inside is never boring. :)
Thank you to our wonderful community, Colorado Springs. Thank you to Premier Homes. Thank you to all of you who gave of your time, money, effort, gifts, products - the list could go on forever. We are so very grateful to all of you.
I've received cards, notes, and emails from thousands of people - telling me that this experience changed their lives. Let me say, that we feel so very blessed by all of YOU. And we want to thank YOU.
David Phelps - performs my favorite song - THAT'S WHAT LOVE IS - on our episode. His generosity and love never cease to amaze me. He is an incredible person - I hope you all check out the page on this website about him, and go to his website as well!
Heat Relief Depot - provides the cooling vests that you see Kayla wearing, and have made it possible for her to get out of the house occasionally. Their information is on the Kayla's Story page, as well as the Links page.
Gift of Pain - is the foundation that has helped our family numerous times over the years. Gabby's parents are the ones who started the foundation, and their hope is to help all the families out there who deal with this very rare disorder on a day to day basis. Thank you for your support - and to all of you who have given over the years to help provide for the medical needs. Their info is also on the Kayla's Story page and the Links page.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And praise God from Whom all blessings flow.
God Bless You All!
I'd like to take a moment to thank all of the thousands of wonderful people who nominated us over the years for the show. When we heard about the nominations, tears flowed... abundantly.
God is so good. Through Josh's life and death hopitalizations. Through Kayla's trials and triumphs with her disorder. Through her brain surgery and recovery. And through the day to day challenges we've faced, God is so good. And He will continue to be.
This experience has changed our lives in many, many ways. Kayla's health has skyrocketed in the time we've been in our new home, and Josh hasn't had one incident with his asthma. I don't have to take Kayla's temp all the time inside our home. And as we are in the hot months, spending time inside is never boring. :)
Thank you to our wonderful community, Colorado Springs. Thank you to Premier Homes. Thank you to all of you who gave of your time, money, effort, gifts, products - the list could go on forever. We are so very grateful to all of you.
I've received cards, notes, and emails from thousands of people - telling me that this experience changed their lives. Let me say, that we feel so very blessed by all of YOU. And we want to thank YOU.
David Phelps - performs my favorite song - THAT'S WHAT LOVE IS - on our episode. His generosity and love never cease to amaze me. He is an incredible person - I hope you all check out the page on this website about him, and go to his website as well!
Heat Relief Depot - provides the cooling vests that you see Kayla wearing, and have made it possible for her to get out of the house occasionally. Their information is on the Kayla's Story page, as well as the Links page.
Gift of Pain - is the foundation that has helped our family numerous times over the years. Gabby's parents are the ones who started the foundation, and their hope is to help all the families out there who deal with this very rare disorder on a day to day basis. Thank you for your support - and to all of you who have given over the years to help provide for the medical needs. Their info is also on the Kayla's Story page and the Links page.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And praise God from Whom all blessings flow.
God Bless You All!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sticks and Stones...
I never have liked that little rhyme, because for the most part, it isn't true.
Words are very hurtful, and they can never be taken back. Do you think before you speak? Another ouch. (Yes, we're ALL guilty.)
We've dealt with a situation for a while now where a family has lied about us and said some very negative things. Oh, not to our faces, but to other people. And when we've gone to these people that have said the ugly things to ask them about it, they've always said there isn't a problem. The only thing we can do, is forgive them and move on. But those words, those lies were still said. They can't be taken back.
People are motivated by many things to say what they do, but I believe, it comes down to pride. Competition, jealousy, arguing a heated topic... it all leads back to pride. Everyone wants to be right. Everyone wants to be the most popular. Everyone wants to be liked. So, how do we combat this ugly monster?
The Bible say this:
Proverbs 10:19 (NIV) - "When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise."
Proverbs 10:20 (NIV) - "The tongue of the righteous is choice silver, but the heart of the wicked is of little value."
Proverbs 10:31 (NIV) - "The mouth of the righteous brings forth wisdom, but a perverse tongue will be cut out."
Proverbs 11:12 (NIV) - "A man who lacks judgment derides his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his tongue."
Proverbs 12:18 (NIV) - "Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."
Proverbs 12:19 (NIV) - "Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment."
Proverbs 15:2 (NIV) - "The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly."
Proverbs 15:4 (NIV) - "The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit."
Proverbs 17:20 (NIV) - "A man of perverse heart does not prosper; he whose tongue is deceitful falls into trouble."
Proverbs 17:28 (NIV) - "Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue."
Proverbs 21:23 (NIV) - "He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity."
James 1:26 (NIV) - "If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless."
James 3:5 (NIV) - "Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark."
James 3:8 (NIV) - "but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison."
These are just a few of the things the Bible says about the tongue. I'd encourage you to do a search on your own to see how many times our great God tries to get our attention about our speech.
Are you an encourager? Or is your speech filled with negativity? Do you always have something nice to say? Or are you always pointing out everyone else's faults? Do you ever ask people to stop their gossip? Or do you join in for the latest juicy news? Tough questions - but they need to be asked. Each one of us needs to ask them every day -of ourselves.
I've had a lot of people ask me how we've handled this situation. Well, it's a tough answer - I've kept my mouth shut, and I'm working on forgiveness every day. And I should say, GOD has kept my mouth shut, because I certainly couldn't do it. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to go give them a piece of my mind, or defend my family, or defend the TV show and station that the Lord blessed us through. But - the Lord hasn't told me to do that. I often wonder what other people think, if they are to hear the ugly lies -- but HE gently reminds me that I shouldn't care what other people think. People will find the truth if they truly look for it. And this Scripture keeps coming to mind:
1 Peter 3:9-11
"Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. For, 'Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech. He must turn from evil and do good; he must seek peace and pursue it.'"
So, what kind of shape is your tongue in? Mine needs a lot of work, too...
Let's lift one another up and encourage one another to guard our speech (and our minds.)
All Scripture Quotes taken from:
New International Version (NIV)
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society
Words are very hurtful, and they can never be taken back. Do you think before you speak? Another ouch. (Yes, we're ALL guilty.)
We've dealt with a situation for a while now where a family has lied about us and said some very negative things. Oh, not to our faces, but to other people. And when we've gone to these people that have said the ugly things to ask them about it, they've always said there isn't a problem. The only thing we can do, is forgive them and move on. But those words, those lies were still said. They can't be taken back.
People are motivated by many things to say what they do, but I believe, it comes down to pride. Competition, jealousy, arguing a heated topic... it all leads back to pride. Everyone wants to be right. Everyone wants to be the most popular. Everyone wants to be liked. So, how do we combat this ugly monster?
The Bible say this:
Proverbs 10:19 (NIV) - "When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise."
Proverbs 10:20 (NIV) - "The tongue of the righteous is choice silver, but the heart of the wicked is of little value."
Proverbs 10:31 (NIV) - "The mouth of the righteous brings forth wisdom, but a perverse tongue will be cut out."
Proverbs 11:12 (NIV) - "A man who lacks judgment derides his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his tongue."
Proverbs 12:18 (NIV) - "Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."
Proverbs 12:19 (NIV) - "Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment."
Proverbs 15:2 (NIV) - "The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly."
Proverbs 15:4 (NIV) - "The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit."
Proverbs 17:20 (NIV) - "A man of perverse heart does not prosper; he whose tongue is deceitful falls into trouble."
Proverbs 17:28 (NIV) - "Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue."
Proverbs 21:23 (NIV) - "He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity."
James 1:26 (NIV) - "If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless."
James 3:5 (NIV) - "Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark."
James 3:8 (NIV) - "but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison."
These are just a few of the things the Bible says about the tongue. I'd encourage you to do a search on your own to see how many times our great God tries to get our attention about our speech.
Are you an encourager? Or is your speech filled with negativity? Do you always have something nice to say? Or are you always pointing out everyone else's faults? Do you ever ask people to stop their gossip? Or do you join in for the latest juicy news? Tough questions - but they need to be asked. Each one of us needs to ask them every day -of ourselves.
I've had a lot of people ask me how we've handled this situation. Well, it's a tough answer - I've kept my mouth shut, and I'm working on forgiveness every day. And I should say, GOD has kept my mouth shut, because I certainly couldn't do it. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to go give them a piece of my mind, or defend my family, or defend the TV show and station that the Lord blessed us through. But - the Lord hasn't told me to do that. I often wonder what other people think, if they are to hear the ugly lies -- but HE gently reminds me that I shouldn't care what other people think. People will find the truth if they truly look for it. And this Scripture keeps coming to mind:
1 Peter 3:9-11
"Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. For, 'Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech. He must turn from evil and do good; he must seek peace and pursue it.'"
So, what kind of shape is your tongue in? Mine needs a lot of work, too...
Let's lift one another up and encourage one another to guard our speech (and our minds.)
All Scripture Quotes taken from:
New International Version (NIV)
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society
Sunday, July 13, 2008
How Many Pages? Our New Reading Contest!!
I have had a LOT of interest in the reading contest I challenged you all to last month.
So, here is another reminder and more info.
Keep track of the title, author, and number of pages for the books that you read.
And ALL books count. If you are a pre-school teacher and read a stack of books each day to your students, they ALL count. Keep track of them! The non-fiction, self-help books that you read, Bible Study books, novels, books you read to your children, AND there will be a special prize for those who read through the entire Bible during our year-long contest!
There will be winners for:
Most Books Read
Most Pages Read
Most Variety of Authors Read
and those who read through the entire Bible AND one of the above.
So, get to reading!
I've had hundreds of emails from you all saying how inspiring it is and you love the idea - so pass it on to your friends. I will be telling you all about different authors and books for the prizes as we go along. Stay tuned! It's sure to be a fun year!
The contest will end the last day of June, 2009!
Feel free to email me through the website, or post a comment with any questions you may have.
I know someone who read thousands of pages on their vacation to get a jump-start, and another lady is reading picture books to her child every day and keeping track, so let's do it!
I would also love to hear from all of you about how you are doing as the year progresses - And would love to use some of your testimonials.
I need to hurry up and post this as my battery is dying!
Have a wonderful day and read, read, read, READ!!
So, here is another reminder and more info.
Keep track of the title, author, and number of pages for the books that you read.
And ALL books count. If you are a pre-school teacher and read a stack of books each day to your students, they ALL count. Keep track of them! The non-fiction, self-help books that you read, Bible Study books, novels, books you read to your children, AND there will be a special prize for those who read through the entire Bible during our year-long contest!
There will be winners for:
Most Books Read
Most Pages Read
Most Variety of Authors Read
and those who read through the entire Bible AND one of the above.
So, get to reading!
I've had hundreds of emails from you all saying how inspiring it is and you love the idea - so pass it on to your friends. I will be telling you all about different authors and books for the prizes as we go along. Stay tuned! It's sure to be a fun year!
The contest will end the last day of June, 2009!
Feel free to email me through the website, or post a comment with any questions you may have.
I know someone who read thousands of pages on their vacation to get a jump-start, and another lady is reading picture books to her child every day and keeping track, so let's do it!
I would also love to hear from all of you about how you are doing as the year progresses - And would love to use some of your testimonials.
I need to hurry up and post this as my battery is dying!
Have a wonderful day and read, read, read, READ!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Please! Turn Down the Music!
We live in a neighborhood that is under construction (in fact, we were the first house in the neighborhood) - a LOT of construction.
This morning, I was editing the chapter I wrote yesterday, and music blaring from the home-site behind us kept interrupting my train of thought. Let's just be honest, it was driving me nuts. We've had a serious issue with this, and I don't know how many times I have calmly driven around the neighborhood asking the various workers to turn down their music. We homeschool, my husband works at home, and I write at home--we are home all the time. (I know, we're not the average family - but that's a long story in and of itself) :) Anyway, I got so aggravated that I actually opened the door and yelled out, "PLEASE!! Turn down the music!"
Yes, I know, highly intelligent - since the music is so loud that I can hear it inside my house, how on earth were they supposed to hear me? So, I drove around the block and walked up to the site. I asked them nicely to turn down the music. That didn't go over well with the workers. Or the guy in charge. He looked at me like I was the meanest person ever (he probably thought something else, but let's not even venture there). One guy yelled from the upper floor, "It's a job site!" To which I replied, "it's also my home." I won't tell you the other choice words spoken to me. They weren't very nice. I asked him to please turn down the music.
Fuming inside, I climbed into my truck and drove back home. I wanted to do something about it. I wanted the annoying noise to stop. I wanted to be able to work in my own home in peace. And...I realized my attitude stunk, even if I had been treated poorly.
So, what did I do? I made cookies. And then I brought them a plate of those cookies. Did it make anything better? I don't know. It didn't bring world peace, and as I'm typing this - music again reverberates through my walls. It's taking me twice as long to get my thoughts down, but I'm still trying to accomplish something. Do they think I'm a nice person? Probably not. Do I care? Not really. Not anymore. I realized I'm responsible for me, my attitude, and my actions. Other people see those attitudes and actions, and what are they going to see?
I know what I want them to see, but also understand that I have a long ways to go before I am "mature and complete" like it states in James 1.
Maybe I should go make some more cookies.
This morning, I was editing the chapter I wrote yesterday, and music blaring from the home-site behind us kept interrupting my train of thought. Let's just be honest, it was driving me nuts. We've had a serious issue with this, and I don't know how many times I have calmly driven around the neighborhood asking the various workers to turn down their music. We homeschool, my husband works at home, and I write at home--we are home all the time. (I know, we're not the average family - but that's a long story in and of itself) :) Anyway, I got so aggravated that I actually opened the door and yelled out, "PLEASE!! Turn down the music!"
Yes, I know, highly intelligent - since the music is so loud that I can hear it inside my house, how on earth were they supposed to hear me? So, I drove around the block and walked up to the site. I asked them nicely to turn down the music. That didn't go over well with the workers. Or the guy in charge. He looked at me like I was the meanest person ever (he probably thought something else, but let's not even venture there). One guy yelled from the upper floor, "It's a job site!" To which I replied, "it's also my home." I won't tell you the other choice words spoken to me. They weren't very nice. I asked him to please turn down the music.
Fuming inside, I climbed into my truck and drove back home. I wanted to do something about it. I wanted the annoying noise to stop. I wanted to be able to work in my own home in peace. And...I realized my attitude stunk, even if I had been treated poorly.
So, what did I do? I made cookies. And then I brought them a plate of those cookies. Did it make anything better? I don't know. It didn't bring world peace, and as I'm typing this - music again reverberates through my walls. It's taking me twice as long to get my thoughts down, but I'm still trying to accomplish something. Do they think I'm a nice person? Probably not. Do I care? Not really. Not anymore. I realized I'm responsible for me, my attitude, and my actions. Other people see those attitudes and actions, and what are they going to see?
I know what I want them to see, but also understand that I have a long ways to go before I am "mature and complete" like it states in James 1.
Maybe I should go make some more cookies.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
A few months ago, I had the privilege of meeting another incredible Mom. I had spoken to their group and she approached me afterward with this precious, beautiful, little baby girl in her arms.
The baby girl is AnnaSophia Berry.
I'd like to ask you all to pray for AnnaSophia and the Berry family. AnnaSophia has gone through more medically in her tiny life than most of us will go through in a lifetime. She is now awaiting a heart transplant.
Mary, (AnnaSophia's mother) and I talked for a long time that night. There was such a connection, as we bonded over God's love and blessings on our children- through the most trying of circumstances. Mary and her family are heavy on my heart.
So, would you all pray with me for the Berry family?
To read more of this incredible story, go to:
The baby girl is AnnaSophia Berry.
I'd like to ask you all to pray for AnnaSophia and the Berry family. AnnaSophia has gone through more medically in her tiny life than most of us will go through in a lifetime. She is now awaiting a heart transplant.
Mary, (AnnaSophia's mother) and I talked for a long time that night. There was such a connection, as we bonded over God's love and blessings on our children- through the most trying of circumstances. Mary and her family are heavy on my heart.
So, would you all pray with me for the Berry family?
To read more of this incredible story, go to:
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Promises, Promises by Amber Miller

Amber Miller is a new author with Barbour Publishing's line: Heartsong Presents.
Her first title: Promises, Promises released to the book club in February and is in bookstores now in July! AND -- the second title in her Delaware Brides series - Quills and Promises - releases this month to the Heartsong Presents book club and will release later in stores! There will also be a third installment in this delightful Delaware series.
Promises, Promises is filled with romance, historical detail, and a touch of humor. The first chapter will reel you in and keep you baited until the end. An enchanting tale, I'm sure you will enjoy this book! If you are not a member of Heartsong Presents, there are purchase details below.
Promises, Promises
Publisher: Barbour/Heartsong Presents
Release date: February 2008 through Heartsong Presents; July 2008 to bookstores and online retailers
Genre: Historical RomanceSeries: Delaware Brides, book 1
ISBN: 9781597899390
Ordering link: www.ambermiller.com/books.html

Publisher: Barbour/Heartsong Presents
Release date: July 2008
Genre: Historical Romance Series: Delaware Brides, book 2
ISBN: 9781602600492
Ordering link: www.ambermiller.com/books.html
Blurb: Promises, Promises
Has God forsaken Raelene?
What kind of God would take a girl's family and leave her alone in a wild land where women have no voice? When Gustaf Hanssen promises Raelene's dying father that he will take care of her, he finds himself bound to her happiness, her success, and her well-being in ways he never imagined. To keep his word, must Gustaf really oversee all of Raelene's affairs, find her a husband, and maintain her farm, while she does nothing but scorn him? Can God reach through Raelene's pain and self-centeredness and give her the love that awaits, if only she will accept His will?
Blurb: Quills & Promises
Innocence paired with wisdom beyond her years-- With these traits, Elanna Hanssen unwittingly captures the attentions of Major Madison Scott. Her honest desire to understand the war fascinates him, and he resolves to get to know this perspicacious young lady better. When he is called away to fight the French and the Indians, they begin a correspondence, cautiously baring their hearts to one another. Elanna has never known emotions like these before, but she is drawn to the integrity she sees in her major. When a writer for the first newspaper in the colony questions the major's credentials and activities, however, will she allow her heart or her head to rule? Can true love grow over such distance and around such obstacles?

Amber Miller is an author and freelance web site designer who lives with her husband in beautiful Colorado Springs. They don’t have any children yet, but they do have a vivacious puppy named Roxie, who is half Border Collie and half Flat-Haired Retriever. Already nearing 65 pounds, she keeps them on their toes. And with her penchant for rising at 6am on the dot, Roxie is giving Amber and her husband a good taste of what it's like to be parents. Amber has sold four books to the Heartsong Presents line of Barbour Publishing with the promise of two more before the end of the year. She is currently pursuing an expansion into trade-length historical fiction as well. Other writing credits include several writing articles for various publications, five short stories with Romancing the Christian Heart, and nine contributions to the book, 101 Ways to Romance Your Marriage. A born-again Christian since the age of seven, her faith in Christ has often sustained her through difficult experiences. She seeks to share that with others through her writing. Read more about her at her web site: http://www.ambermiller.com/.
check out the rest of the BLOG TOUR SCHEDULE!
Shirley Connolly (July month-long feature) - http://apenforyourthoughts.blogspot.com/
July 7 - Margaret Daley (bio) http://margaretdaly.blogspot.com
July 7 - Dawn Kinzer at From Dawn til Dusk, Musings of a Night Owl http://dawnkinzer.blogspot.com
July 8 - Donna Moore at Write by Faith http://writebyfaith.blogspot.com
July 8 - Kim Woodhouse at God's Grace, Love & Forgiveness http://www.kimberleywoodhouse.com
July 9 - Margaret Daley (interview) http://margaretdaly.blogspot.com
July 9 - Amy Riley at The Friendly Book Nook http://thefriendlybooknook.com
July 10 - Jenny Blake at Come Meet AusJenny http://ausjenny.blogspot.com
July 11 - Rose McCauley http://rosemccauley.blogspot.com
July 11 - Shauna Sturge at The Coffee Stop http://shaunasturge.blogspot.com; Long and Short Reviews http://longandshortreviews.blogspot.com
July 12 - Carolyn Strawder at Quiet Time with Carolyn http://www.quiettimewithcarolyn.com/Serenity
July 14-19 - CAN! blog spotlight http://canblog.typepad.com/canbookmarketing
July 14 - Martha Rogers at Martha Writes http://marthasbooks.blogspot.com
July 15 - Leslie Sowell at A Little Bit of Sunlight http://www.footprintsinthesand.us/blog
July 16 - Novel Journey / Novel Reviews http://noveljourney.blogspot.com / http://novelreviews.blogspot.com
July 17 - Eileen Astels at A Christian Romance Writer's Journey http://eileenastels.blogspot.com
July 17 - Cheryl Wyatt at Squirrel's Treehouse http://scrollsquirrel.blogspot.com
July 18 - Cara Putman at Cara's Musings http://carasmusings.blogspot.com
July 18 - Tyora Moody at CB Reviews http://www.faithwebbin.net/cbreviews
July 19 - Stacy Johnson at Vader's Mom http://jeffstacyandvader.blogspot.com
July 21 - CFBA blog tour date (various blogs) http://christianfictionblogalliance.blogspot.com
July 21 - Camy Tang at Camy's Loft http://camytang.blogspot.com
July 21 - Jennifer AlLee at Musings on This, That & The Other Thing - http://jenniferallee.blogspot.com
July 21 - Trish Perry (interview) http://www.trishperry.com
July 22 - CFBA blog tour date (various blogs) http://christianfictionblogalliance.blogspot.com
July 22 - Cindy Woodsmall at the Plain Talk Blog http://www.cindywoodsmall.com/category/plain-talk/
July 23 - CFBA blog tour date (various blogs) http://christianfictionblogalliance.blogspot.com
July 23 - Delia Latham at The Melody Within (review/interview) http://themelodywithin.blogspot.com
July 24 - Margaret Chind at Creative Madness http://cherryblossommj.blogspot.com
July 25 - Delia Latham at The Melody Within (guest blogger) http://themelodywithin.blogspot.com
July 25 - Christa Allan at Fictionary http://cballan.wordpress.com
July 26 - Paula Moldenhauer at Grace Reign http://gracereign.blogspot.com
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Our EMHE episode on YouTube
I have probably a couple of hundred requests a week for people looking for our episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Well, I have good news - thanks to one of our students from Anchorage - we discovered that our episode in its entirety is on YouTube.
To find it:
go to www.YouTube.com - and in the search box type "Extreme Makeover Home Edition Woodhouse Family" and it will pop up. There are five short segments that comprise the whole episode without the commercials.
I have no idea who it was who put the episode up - and it's been on there a little less than a month - but is there nonetheless!
Thank you guys for bearing with me through all the publicity, craziness, and moments of insanity when I cannot keep up!
God Bless!
To find it:
go to www.YouTube.com - and in the search box type "Extreme Makeover Home Edition Woodhouse Family" and it will pop up. There are five short segments that comprise the whole episode without the commercials.
I have no idea who it was who put the episode up - and it's been on there a little less than a month - but is there nonetheless!
Thank you guys for bearing with me through all the publicity, craziness, and moments of insanity when I cannot keep up!
God Bless!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Flying Through the Water
We've had the awesome privilege to be at the Olympic Trials for Swimming in Omaha, Nebraska. What fun it has been!
We've watched Michael Phelps, Katie Hoff, Natalie Coughlin, and countless others in their pursuit of their Olympic dreams - and in the process World Records have been broken and lives have been inspired.
One thing that never ceases to amaze me is the diligence of these athletes. They work hard -- and I mean HARD. Race after race, lap after lap, stroke after stroke. I've always been impressed, but watching up close and personal - seeing their faces and determination - gave me a new appreciation.
It makes me think about how we live our lives. How many times do we start something and not finish? We find someone else to blame for why we didn't achieve our goal and move on to something else. We're not consistent with how we do things, making up new rules as we go along. :) Excuses are made so that we can feel better about ourselves. That's not diligence, or determination.
What has happened to the work ethic in our country? Why have we gotten so lazy? Why can't we admit that we make mistakes, that we are wrong, and apologize?
I challenge you all to watch at the very least a portion of the Olympic Games this summer. Maybe we'll all learn a thing or two from the athletes and get off our lazy rear ends and do something about it.
I know I'm inspired. How about you?
We've watched Michael Phelps, Katie Hoff, Natalie Coughlin, and countless others in their pursuit of their Olympic dreams - and in the process World Records have been broken and lives have been inspired.
One thing that never ceases to amaze me is the diligence of these athletes. They work hard -- and I mean HARD. Race after race, lap after lap, stroke after stroke. I've always been impressed, but watching up close and personal - seeing their faces and determination - gave me a new appreciation.
It makes me think about how we live our lives. How many times do we start something and not finish? We find someone else to blame for why we didn't achieve our goal and move on to something else. We're not consistent with how we do things, making up new rules as we go along. :) Excuses are made so that we can feel better about ourselves. That's not diligence, or determination.
What has happened to the work ethic in our country? Why have we gotten so lazy? Why can't we admit that we make mistakes, that we are wrong, and apologize?
I challenge you all to watch at the very least a portion of the Olympic Games this summer. Maybe we'll all learn a thing or two from the athletes and get off our lazy rear ends and do something about it.
I know I'm inspired. How about you?
Olympic Games 2008,
USA Swimming
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