Saturday, February 23, 2008
David Phelps - and Montel
So, we went to New York City to tape the Montel Williams Show. It was crazy, Manhattan is nuts, :) and we had fun!
At the end of the taping - Montel was giving a "gift", surprise to each of the "miraculous kids" on the show.
David Phelps was the surprise for Kayla.
Now, most of you know that he is my favorite and Josh and Kayla's favorite, and Holly's favorite :) and if I haven't convinced you to go listen to his music yet, read on...
I have always had such respect for him - musically and as a person (especially after EMHE) -- but this week, that respect shot up even further. He was so genuine, giving, fun, and I knew that he cared for my little girl. He took time out of his own crazy schedule to do this... and that means the world! We didn't know if Kayla would ever have the chance to meet him in person and she just loves him... This was a dream come true for her. I thought her smile would just explode that day - and she was so sweet, she just wanted to hug him!
Anyway, you'll have to watch Montel when it airs (I will let you know, as soon as I know an air date), but I wanted you all to know what an incredible person David is. My next wish is to meet his wonderful and beautiful wife Lori :)
The picture above is a sweet one. My beautiful little girl getting to spend time with her favorite person! Check out the info in the sidebar and listen to David's music and go out and buy it! You will be blessed and it is so worth it!
Thank you, David! And thank you, Montel.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Packing Light
I have been attempting to pack all day for a quick trip to New York City. We are headed there to tape a Montel Williams Show. I say attempting, because there wasn't enough of me to go around! Phone calls, excited children and me- trying to wrap my brain around the list that keeps on growing...
The laughter began as I was trying to decide how many bags this was going to take. There's a carry on that's just medical, one is a rolling ice chest to carry her vest packets, of course the kids want their "stuff" to do on the plane and during the layovers and I can't leave without my computer... I mean, this brain doesn't ever quit, I have to be able to get my ideas down! (Have I ever mentioned that I don't do 'sitting around' very well? That's an understatement.) And you know what? I haven't mentioned anything about clothes yet!
So, I have decided that I will never even try to think about "packing light". There is no such thing in my vocabulary. I am super-mom (at least a wannabe) and I am prepared for everything! That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
I may need more luggage...
The laughter began as I was trying to decide how many bags this was going to take. There's a carry on that's just medical, one is a rolling ice chest to carry her vest packets, of course the kids want their "stuff" to do on the plane and during the layovers and I can't leave without my computer... I mean, this brain doesn't ever quit, I have to be able to get my ideas down! (Have I ever mentioned that I don't do 'sitting around' very well? That's an understatement.) And you know what? I haven't mentioned anything about clothes yet!
So, I have decided that I will never even try to think about "packing light". There is no such thing in my vocabulary. I am super-mom (at least a wannabe) and I am prepared for everything! That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
I may need more luggage...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
How often do you think about worship? Do you think of 'church' as the "worship service"? Or do you think of the 'singing' as the "worship" part of the service and then the sermon/preaching/teaching is something else?
Back in college, one of my favorite classes was Music and Worship -- we went through a book entitled, Real Worship by Warren Wiersbe and I think I learned more life lessons through that class than any other.
We were created to glorify God. In all that we do. So, how do we worship? Is it only when we're singing or participating in praise and worship? Do we have to be in a "church" to worship? Or can it be when we're listening to music? What about when we're singing in the shower? I know, I know -- some are you are laughing now, but think about this: If we were made to bring glory to God, shouldn't everything we do - be worship?
My thoughts on this are very simple. We should be worshipping all day long. As long as we have breath! That means when I'm brushing my teeth - I have the opportunity to worship God, when I'm tying my shoes - I have the opportunity to worship God, when I am teaching my children right from wrong - guess what? I have the opportunity to worship God. Have you ever thought about it that way? A lot of it is in our attitude. How do you look at your day? Do you think about all of the ways you have to worship our great God and Savior? Cleaning your house with a joyful attitude can be an act of worship, ironing, washing dishes, mowing the lawn, doing the laundry, pulling weeds, taking out the trash, changing a diaper, grading papers, teaching long division and fractions (yes, even though I hear some of you groaning)... ALL have the potential to be worship opportunities.
Now, don't start sending me notes about how impossible it is to have the right attitude all day long! :) I know this. In fact I've been working on it for a LONG time and I still fail, BUT, I know that this is my goal. To worship God in all that I do.
And yes, I have to talk about music too :) David has a song - Life is a Church - and I encourage you to go listen to it - great message!
So - get out there and worship. Take a walk, sing in the shower, tie your shoes, clean your room, study for a test, read your Bible...
Back in college, one of my favorite classes was Music and Worship -- we went through a book entitled, Real Worship by Warren Wiersbe and I think I learned more life lessons through that class than any other.
We were created to glorify God. In all that we do. So, how do we worship? Is it only when we're singing or participating in praise and worship? Do we have to be in a "church" to worship? Or can it be when we're listening to music? What about when we're singing in the shower? I know, I know -- some are you are laughing now, but think about this: If we were made to bring glory to God, shouldn't everything we do - be worship?
My thoughts on this are very simple. We should be worshipping all day long. As long as we have breath! That means when I'm brushing my teeth - I have the opportunity to worship God, when I'm tying my shoes - I have the opportunity to worship God, when I am teaching my children right from wrong - guess what? I have the opportunity to worship God. Have you ever thought about it that way? A lot of it is in our attitude. How do you look at your day? Do you think about all of the ways you have to worship our great God and Savior? Cleaning your house with a joyful attitude can be an act of worship, ironing, washing dishes, mowing the lawn, doing the laundry, pulling weeds, taking out the trash, changing a diaper, grading papers, teaching long division and fractions (yes, even though I hear some of you groaning)... ALL have the potential to be worship opportunities.
Now, don't start sending me notes about how impossible it is to have the right attitude all day long! :) I know this. In fact I've been working on it for a LONG time and I still fail, BUT, I know that this is my goal. To worship God in all that I do.
And yes, I have to talk about music too :) David has a song - Life is a Church - and I encourage you to go listen to it - great message!
So - get out there and worship. Take a walk, sing in the shower, tie your shoes, clean your room, study for a test, read your Bible...
Friday, February 8, 2008
Clean Up On Aisle Two!!
If you know much about my story, you know that I don't get out much. I have a daughter who doesn't sweat and I need to keep her in a regulated temperature all the time. Anyway, grocery shopping has become one of my favorite times. And it's not because I need social interaction and I choose the grocery store for that interaction -- No. It's because Holly (and Katie too) and I have had some of the best adventures 'doing the grocery shopping'.
Little sidenote here: I have a wacky sense of humor (I am a creative person, you know) - so feel free to imagine the sound effects... or whatever makes you laugh :)
On this particular trip - we were headed to Safeway. It was really close to our house and a Friday night, pretty late, because that's always more fun (actually, it was because Holly had just finished her late shift at work - but, it sounds better - and we always have fun, no matter what - again, I'm rabbit trail-ing).
Another sidenote: Holly and I are not known for being quiet... especially when together... especially in the grocery store... or ANY store for that matter.
We walked in and worked our way down the list. On the "soup aisle"- as we lovingly call it- Holly (in a voice much like the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz when she's melting) said, "I'm surrounded in a sea of soup! Canned soup, and boxed soup, and powdered soup.... AAAAAHHHHH!" Chiming in, I replied, "Look away Holly, look away!" And then... some poor guy who was supposed to be stocking that aisle looked at us really weird. (Imagine that!)
Holly and I cracked up laughing. And I mean, we lost it. I told her to stop scaring the poor people in the store and attempted to keep a straight face. It didn't work. I was laughing so hard, I couldn't see -- the tears were blinding me. There I was, in the store, leaning over the cart because I was laughing so hard and then, there crouched Holly... crossing her legs, doing some weird, I-can't-take-it-anymore dance.
At this point, I don't think she can see either. Her face is all red, she has tears streaming down her face and she's laughing so hard, she can't breathe.
"Don't make me laugh," she giggled. "I'm going to wet my pants!"
Me, being the loving, kind and generous friend that I am, started walking down the aisle yelling, "CLEAN UP ON AISLE TWO! CLEAN UP ON AISLE TWO!"
She laughed harder.
And then, I heard a "SMACK" on the floor. Worried that she hurt herself, I whirled the cart around and found her sprawled in the middle of the floor, laughing hysterically, pointing up at the aisle sign.
"What?" I asked her.
"WE-- are on aisle two!" And then, the crazy, half-crying-because-we're-laughing-so-hard started again.
"Exactly!" I responded.
Several store employees casually glanced down the "soup aisle". I began to worry that we would soon be kicked out of the store. Thankfully, we were not... but, we did attempt to behave the rest of that trip. (Personally, I think we added a little life to that dull Friday night - and of course, I had Holly with me--and she's really cute--so that had to count for something!) :)
There are days that I feel sorry for the poor people at Wal-Mart and Safeway and Vitamin Cottage that have to put up with our antics... but, it doesn't last long. :)
And on a final sidenote: you may be wondering if this is "normal" for us. Yes, sad to say... but, yes. Ask me next time about the time I scared the poor guy on the "light bulb aisle", the endless search for paint brushes, buying the entire stock of snap peas and asking them to 'check the back' if there were any more, or the episode of the "runaway cart". There's plenty more... oh my goodness - you can't leave out turkey diving either... (That's a whole 'nother blog in itself)
I think Holly and I will head out to the store...
Little sidenote here: I have a wacky sense of humor (I am a creative person, you know) - so feel free to imagine the sound effects... or whatever makes you laugh :)
On this particular trip - we were headed to Safeway. It was really close to our house and a Friday night, pretty late, because that's always more fun (actually, it was because Holly had just finished her late shift at work - but, it sounds better - and we always have fun, no matter what - again, I'm rabbit trail-ing).
Another sidenote: Holly and I are not known for being quiet... especially when together... especially in the grocery store... or ANY store for that matter.
We walked in and worked our way down the list. On the "soup aisle"- as we lovingly call it- Holly (in a voice much like the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz when she's melting) said, "I'm surrounded in a sea of soup! Canned soup, and boxed soup, and powdered soup.... AAAAAHHHHH!" Chiming in, I replied, "Look away Holly, look away!" And then... some poor guy who was supposed to be stocking that aisle looked at us really weird. (Imagine that!)
Holly and I cracked up laughing. And I mean, we lost it. I told her to stop scaring the poor people in the store and attempted to keep a straight face. It didn't work. I was laughing so hard, I couldn't see -- the tears were blinding me. There I was, in the store, leaning over the cart because I was laughing so hard and then, there crouched Holly... crossing her legs, doing some weird, I-can't-take-it-anymore dance.
At this point, I don't think she can see either. Her face is all red, she has tears streaming down her face and she's laughing so hard, she can't breathe.
"Don't make me laugh," she giggled. "I'm going to wet my pants!"
Me, being the loving, kind and generous friend that I am, started walking down the aisle yelling, "CLEAN UP ON AISLE TWO! CLEAN UP ON AISLE TWO!"
She laughed harder.
And then, I heard a "SMACK" on the floor. Worried that she hurt herself, I whirled the cart around and found her sprawled in the middle of the floor, laughing hysterically, pointing up at the aisle sign.
"What?" I asked her.
"WE-- are on aisle two!" And then, the crazy, half-crying-because-we're-laughing-so-hard started again.
"Exactly!" I responded.
Several store employees casually glanced down the "soup aisle". I began to worry that we would soon be kicked out of the store. Thankfully, we were not... but, we did attempt to behave the rest of that trip. (Personally, I think we added a little life to that dull Friday night - and of course, I had Holly with me--and she's really cute--so that had to count for something!) :)
There are days that I feel sorry for the poor people at Wal-Mart and Safeway and Vitamin Cottage that have to put up with our antics... but, it doesn't last long. :)
And on a final sidenote: you may be wondering if this is "normal" for us. Yes, sad to say... but, yes. Ask me next time about the time I scared the poor guy on the "light bulb aisle", the endless search for paint brushes, buying the entire stock of snap peas and asking them to 'check the back' if there were any more, or the episode of the "runaway cart". There's plenty more... oh my goodness - you can't leave out turkey diving either... (That's a whole 'nother blog in itself)
I think Holly and I will head out to the store...
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Nothing Simple About the Mail...
Do you remember the day when your mail box was on your front porch? Or better yet, you had a slot in your front door and it just came shooting through? I remember being a kid and trying to catch it and then yelling, "THANK YOU!" back through the slot at our mail-carrier. He always smiled, laughed and shook his head at me. He told me once, that I was the only one to ever say thank-you and I had a very unique way of doing it. And my guess was that he at least preferred it over a barking dog.
I was musing over this yesterday as my friend Lori and I were hauling a giant tub, filled with 60 pounds of concrete, a post, and you guessed it - a mailbox out to the curb. Why would we do this, you ask? Well, let me tell you! (With a smile on my face, of course!)
A couple of weeks ago, we found out our mail was no longer going to be delivered. (We are the only house in the neighborhood right now, and we had a great mail-carrier who was bringing it to us - after the Post Office had hemmed and haw-ed over what to do with us... again, another crazy adventure in my life -but, that's beside the point - it gets better...)
I called the Post Office in my sweet, sing-song voice but, unfortunately, spoke with someone who cared very little that I am without my mail and they proceeded to give me another number to call. So, I tried the next number. This time, I didn't even get to explain... they hung up on me. By the third phone call, I had lost a little of my "nice guy" voice and I was greeted by someone who needs a little work on their manners. And I'm being generous here. I had witnesses to my side of the conversation and they were laughing - yes, laughing - because I was not allowed to finish one comment or sentence. Enter - my temper. I raised my voice (yes, I know, not a very nice thing to do) and said, "You have not allowed me to finish one thing I have tried to say - WILL YOU PLEASE LISTEN?!?!?!?!"
Let's just say... things went downhill from there. And I felt the stress just oozing over the phone lines. I now understand where the phrase, "going postal" came from. I made a smart remark, "Isn't it the Post Office's job to deliver the mail?" I don't think she liked me after that. I was informed that the Post Office didn't have the time or resources to do door to door delivery. Okay... ?? In my mind, I'm thinking, ", how is everyone else getting their mail?"
At this point in time, I'm confused, aggravated and unsure of the next step. I'm given yet, another number to talk to another P.O. employee. I was less than enthusiastic about calling, but, dialed nonetheless.
"You need a mailbox." She said - since the MBU thingies weren't up yet in our neighborhood. (MBU - stands for Mail Box Units? Multiple Box Units? Mail But Undeliverable? I don't know - I'm guessing... you try!) Anyway, we already had a mailbox - it was sitting on the front porch where they told me to put it months ago!
Yay! We would get mail!
Um, no.
That would be too hard for the mail person - they'd have to get out of their vehicle and walk up to the porch. (Wouldn't they have to get out of their vehicle and walk up to the MBU? I know, I know - I'm thinking too hard. I need to be nice.)
"No, put it out on the sidewalk," she said. Okay...? It can't be put on a permanent post because they'll be putting in the MBUs - so I put the mailbox out on the sidewalk. (Let me tell you how great this looked, and how many questions I received about the mailbox sitting in the middle of the sidewalk!)
Yay! Now... we'll get mail...??
Um, no. Close, but, not quite.
"Put it on a temporary post, in a bucket, on the curb."
Thus, Monday morning, Lori and I carrying out a tub filled with concrete, a post and a mailbox. A very nice-looking mailbox I might add. A little odd with the tub and concrete - but, nevertheless a nice-looking mailbox.
Now, if you can read between the lines, you know there's more to the story -- but, that would take up way too much space. So, you're wondering... how does this story end?
I don't know. I'm still waiting for my mail. :)
I was musing over this yesterday as my friend Lori and I were hauling a giant tub, filled with 60 pounds of concrete, a post, and you guessed it - a mailbox out to the curb. Why would we do this, you ask? Well, let me tell you! (With a smile on my face, of course!)
A couple of weeks ago, we found out our mail was no longer going to be delivered. (We are the only house in the neighborhood right now, and we had a great mail-carrier who was bringing it to us - after the Post Office had hemmed and haw-ed over what to do with us... again, another crazy adventure in my life -but, that's beside the point - it gets better...)
I called the Post Office in my sweet, sing-song voice but, unfortunately, spoke with someone who cared very little that I am without my mail and they proceeded to give me another number to call. So, I tried the next number. This time, I didn't even get to explain... they hung up on me. By the third phone call, I had lost a little of my "nice guy" voice and I was greeted by someone who needs a little work on their manners. And I'm being generous here. I had witnesses to my side of the conversation and they were laughing - yes, laughing - because I was not allowed to finish one comment or sentence. Enter - my temper. I raised my voice (yes, I know, not a very nice thing to do) and said, "You have not allowed me to finish one thing I have tried to say - WILL YOU PLEASE LISTEN?!?!?!?!"
Let's just say... things went downhill from there. And I felt the stress just oozing over the phone lines. I now understand where the phrase, "going postal" came from. I made a smart remark, "Isn't it the Post Office's job to deliver the mail?" I don't think she liked me after that. I was informed that the Post Office didn't have the time or resources to do door to door delivery. Okay... ?? In my mind, I'm thinking, ", how is everyone else getting their mail?"
At this point in time, I'm confused, aggravated and unsure of the next step. I'm given yet, another number to talk to another P.O. employee. I was less than enthusiastic about calling, but, dialed nonetheless.
"You need a mailbox." She said - since the MBU thingies weren't up yet in our neighborhood. (MBU - stands for Mail Box Units? Multiple Box Units? Mail But Undeliverable? I don't know - I'm guessing... you try!) Anyway, we already had a mailbox - it was sitting on the front porch where they told me to put it months ago!
Yay! We would get mail!
Um, no.
That would be too hard for the mail person - they'd have to get out of their vehicle and walk up to the porch. (Wouldn't they have to get out of their vehicle and walk up to the MBU? I know, I know - I'm thinking too hard. I need to be nice.)
"No, put it out on the sidewalk," she said. Okay...? It can't be put on a permanent post because they'll be putting in the MBUs - so I put the mailbox out on the sidewalk. (Let me tell you how great this looked, and how many questions I received about the mailbox sitting in the middle of the sidewalk!)
Yay! Now... we'll get mail...??
Um, no. Close, but, not quite.
"Put it on a temporary post, in a bucket, on the curb."
Thus, Monday morning, Lori and I carrying out a tub filled with concrete, a post and a mailbox. A very nice-looking mailbox I might add. A little odd with the tub and concrete - but, nevertheless a nice-looking mailbox.
Now, if you can read between the lines, you know there's more to the story -- but, that would take up way too much space. So, you're wondering... how does this story end?
I don't know. I'm still waiting for my mail. :)
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Book Reviews - Reluctant Smuggler and Death of a Six Foot Teddy Bear
I've had so many of you asking my opinion about Christian Fiction and faithful readers asking for book reviews that I thought I'd try to do at least one a week.
This week, I'm going to start with two (yes, thank you - hold your applause)--
Reluctant Smuggler by Jill Elizabeth Nelson and
Death of a Six-Foot Teddy Bear by Sharon Dunn
Reluctant Smuggler is the third book in the To Catch a Thief Series by Nelson. I was hooked from the beginning of the series and haven't wanted to wait for each book to come out! Jill does an incredible job of shaping her characters - they are real (which would be hard for others to pull off, considering the hero and heroine aren't your average run-of-the-mill '9-5'ers, but Jill does it with great finesse). I found myself yelling at them, laughing at them and wanting to jump in the scene - pull off an impossible art heist and be the FBI agents to catch the bad guys. Full of mystery, intrigue, security capers, laughter, FBI, the love of art and don't forget the on-the-edge-of-your-seat, bite-your-fingernails romance -- you REALLY need to buy this book and the whole series.
Death of a Six-Foot Teddy Bear is Sharon Dunn's second book in her Bargain Hunters Mysteries. Fast-paced and packed with crazy coincidences and being in the wrong place at the wrong time, I laughed a lot through this book as I puzzled over the mystery. This was my first time reading one of Sharon's books and I would definitely recommend it to others. There were a lot of kooky characters that reminded me that yes, I am "normal"! (Don't laugh - you know I'm right!) So, get out there and buy this book, you'll have fun!
Happy reading everyone - and thanks for all of your notes!
This week, I'm going to start with two (yes, thank you - hold your applause)--
Reluctant Smuggler by Jill Elizabeth Nelson and
Death of a Six-Foot Teddy Bear by Sharon Dunn
Reluctant Smuggler is the third book in the To Catch a Thief Series by Nelson. I was hooked from the beginning of the series and haven't wanted to wait for each book to come out! Jill does an incredible job of shaping her characters - they are real (which would be hard for others to pull off, considering the hero and heroine aren't your average run-of-the-mill '9-5'ers, but Jill does it with great finesse). I found myself yelling at them, laughing at them and wanting to jump in the scene - pull off an impossible art heist and be the FBI agents to catch the bad guys. Full of mystery, intrigue, security capers, laughter, FBI, the love of art and don't forget the on-the-edge-of-your-seat, bite-your-fingernails romance -- you REALLY need to buy this book and the whole series.
Death of a Six-Foot Teddy Bear is Sharon Dunn's second book in her Bargain Hunters Mysteries. Fast-paced and packed with crazy coincidences and being in the wrong place at the wrong time, I laughed a lot through this book as I puzzled over the mystery. This was my first time reading one of Sharon's books and I would definitely recommend it to others. There were a lot of kooky characters that reminded me that yes, I am "normal"! (Don't laugh - you know I'm right!) So, get out there and buy this book, you'll have fun!
Happy reading everyone - and thanks for all of your notes!
Friday, February 1, 2008
A close friend of mine tells me that love is spelled t-i-m-e. And I think if most of us take the time to ponder this, we can come to the same conclusion. Love can be given and can be shown in so many different ways. But, don't we all yearn for time with those we love?
Think about your children. Now, I'm not trying to start any arguments here or talk about homeschool versus other school (We all have our own opinions and convictions). But, God gave me my kiddos and I feel very strongly that I should be spending more time with them than anyone else. And what a blessing it has been! I wouldn't trade any of that time - and I wouldn't trade the relationship that I have with my kids for anything. I love to spend time with them and they crave that time with me too. How precious is that?
Now, I want you to think about your relationship with God. He loves us so much more than we can fathom, so much more than we can even imagine loving our own children! Don't you think He craves that time with us? Don't you think WE should be craving that time with Him? We get so caught up in every day life and yet, we have an eternity ahead of us. Some can't look past the bill in front them, the next meeting, the next TV show, but still...time passes them by.
When was the last time you spent time talking to God? What about studying His Word? What about memorizing His Word? And then, when was the last time you had devotions, Bible study or praise time with your kids?
I agree with my friend on this one. You can indeed spell love
"T-I-M-E". Spend time with those you love and with the One Who loves you most.
Think about your children. Now, I'm not trying to start any arguments here or talk about homeschool versus other school (We all have our own opinions and convictions). But, God gave me my kiddos and I feel very strongly that I should be spending more time with them than anyone else. And what a blessing it has been! I wouldn't trade any of that time - and I wouldn't trade the relationship that I have with my kids for anything. I love to spend time with them and they crave that time with me too. How precious is that?
Now, I want you to think about your relationship with God. He loves us so much more than we can fathom, so much more than we can even imagine loving our own children! Don't you think He craves that time with us? Don't you think WE should be craving that time with Him? We get so caught up in every day life and yet, we have an eternity ahead of us. Some can't look past the bill in front them, the next meeting, the next TV show, but still...time passes them by.
When was the last time you spent time talking to God? What about studying His Word? What about memorizing His Word? And then, when was the last time you had devotions, Bible study or praise time with your kids?
I agree with my friend on this one. You can indeed spell love
"T-I-M-E". Spend time with those you love and with the One Who loves you most.
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