A close friend of mine tells me that love is spelled t-i-m-e. And I think if most of us take the time to ponder this, we can come to the same conclusion. Love can be given and can be shown in so many different ways. But, don't we all yearn for time with those we love?
Think about your children. Now, I'm not trying to start any arguments here or talk about homeschool versus other school (We all have our own opinions and convictions). But, God gave me my kiddos and I feel very strongly that I should be spending more time with them than anyone else. And what a blessing it has been! I wouldn't trade any of that time - and I wouldn't trade the relationship that I have with my kids for anything. I love to spend time with them and they crave that time with me too. How precious is that?
Now, I want you to think about your relationship with God. He loves us so much more than we can fathom, so much more than we can even imagine loving our own children! Don't you think He craves that time with us? Don't you think WE should be craving that time with Him? We get so caught up in every day life and yet, we have an eternity ahead of us. Some can't look past the bill in front them, the next meeting, the next TV show, but still...time passes them by.
When was the last time you spent time talking to God? What about studying His Word? What about memorizing His Word? And then, when was the last time you had devotions, Bible study or praise time with your kids?
I agree with my friend on this one. You can indeed spell love
"T-I-M-E". Spend time with those you love and with the One Who loves you most.