Copyright 2007-2011 Kimberley Woodhouse

All content and photographs unless otherwise noted All rights reserved

No Safe Haven Book Trailer

Saturday, February 23, 2008

David Phelps - and Montel

So, we went to New York City to tape the Montel Williams Show. It was crazy, Manhattan is nuts, :) and we had fun!

At the end of the taping - Montel was giving a "gift", surprise to each of the "miraculous kids" on the show.

David Phelps was the surprise for Kayla.

Now, most of you know that he is my favorite and Josh and Kayla's favorite, and Holly's favorite :) and if I haven't convinced you to go listen to his music yet, read on...

I have always had such respect for him - musically and as a person (especially after EMHE) -- but this week, that respect shot up even further. He was so genuine, giving, fun, and I knew that he cared for my little girl. He took time out of his own crazy schedule to do this... and that means the world! We didn't know if Kayla would ever have the chance to meet him in person and she just loves him... This was a dream come true for her. I thought her smile would just explode that day - and she was so sweet, she just wanted to hug him!

Anyway, you'll have to watch Montel when it airs (I will let you know, as soon as I know an air date), but I wanted you all to know what an incredible person David is. My next wish is to meet his wonderful and beautiful wife Lori :)

The picture above is a sweet one. My beautiful little girl getting to spend time with her favorite person! Check out the info in the sidebar and listen to David's music and go out and buy it! You will be blessed and it is so worth it!

Thank you, David! And thank you, Montel.