Copyright 2007-2011 Kimberley Woodhouse

All content and photographs unless otherwise noted All rights reserved

No Safe Haven Book Trailer

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

From Kayla's Perspective #1

Note from Kim:
As we dive into this new year and new stories, Kayla and I are blogging about our writing-together-adventures. I'm already behind (thanks to a lovely sickness I started my year off with) - so bear with me, as I try to catch you up. If you are reading this on my website then Kayla will be blogging on Tues. and I will be blogging on Thursdays about this fun adventure. (Other blogging will continue there as well.)If you are reading this on our website together this is what our blog is about. And don't forget that Kayla has her own website and blog for kids over at

Now I'm going to hand it over to Kayla - my 12-yr-old, amazing daughter.
Thanks for stopping by!

From Kayla's Perspective #1--
Howdie and Welcome!

My mom and I love to write, but the problem is that when my brain starts to work, I can’t stop it! First I think about a tree, then a bird, then a song, then a pool, then the tree starts to talk to the singing bird that’s in a pool and . . . wait. Wasn’t I talking about something else? Oh yeah!

Things get a little crazy around our house with school, swim team, and writing, but it’s always fun. I don’t know how my mom does it, but she seems to make me laugh at any time of the day. (Or night!)

We’ve also discovered that I love the word “S. . .L. . .O. . .W. . .L. . .Y”. My coach, (Coach Tristan), even said that we were being too “S . . . L . . . O . . . W” one day when we were swimming. Made me think of all the times I used the word.

And I love to use the same word over and over again. I do that a lot. :) Mom says that she does that too, but I don’t believe her. (She’s the perfect writer!)

I also love writing “duhn duhn duhn duh!” moments, they’re really fun, especially when mom is brainstorming (She can create one of those moments out of thin air. Probably just to say, "duhn duhn duhn duh") Whew! Let me tell you this: It’s an adventure!

Writing is so much fun, I love it. But there are sometimes when I feel like Mike Goobian from Meet the Robinsons when he said:
“Look what I found! It’s a stick! Now what did you find?”
In other words, my stories are ridiculous, everyone else's are wonderful.

My writing is nothing compared to Mom’s, although she would never admit that. :)
I love our crit group partners as well, they’re great. And funny. And I'm learning A LOT.

Ms. Carrie was the finder of my Slowlys. And the Dark Darkness. But that’s a whole other story. Maybe someday we’ll tell you THAT one.

Hmmm. I was just thinking. . . . What if the singing bird talking to the tree who was in the pool had a pet elephant named Buttercup, who had a cousin monkey named Ter, who had a sister donkey named Shish-Kabob?! That would be one big family tree!

Well. Sigh. I guess the singing bird talking to the tree who was in the pool who had a pet elephant named Buttercup, who had a cousin monkey named Ter, who had a sister donkey named Shish-Kabob will have to wait. Right now my mom and I are writing suspense Alaskan style, maybe next time it can be the animal kingdom.