Anybody know what that means? (Giggle.) Say it fast five times...
Yes, that's what I meant. I spent a lot of time at LSU - a LOT of time :) And Baton Rouge was my stomping grounds. So, people from down there know what I mean - and what it sounds like!
And yes, we are big LSU fans. Which brings me to my real point of this blog.
Flip-flops. You got it. It all started with flip-flops. LSU flip-flops, of course.
Several years ago, we were at the pool swimming, and I saw this lady walk across in her LSU flip-flops and an LSU lanyard with her whistle on it. I of course, climbed out of the pool and had to talk to her. (We Louisiana people stick together - in fact that's how I met my husband in Alabama!) Anyway, I went up to her and said, "Hey! So, who are you - and I love your flip-flops!" We've been great buddies ever since. Erica has been friend, sounding board, encourager, supporter, swim teacher to my kiddos, and fellow LSU fan. They moved away a few months ago, and I miss her so much. In fact, I think we've become even closer - through the craziness of our lives - and in spite of her being thousands of miles away now.
So - the moral of the story is that you never know how you will meet those people that become dear to you. Maybe because you're from the same state - or because of some really cute, purple and gold, flip-flops.
Everyone say it with me - "ELL-ES-SHOO!!!"
Geaux Tigers!