As 2009 comes to an end, I'm shocked at how fast the time flew by me. Was I paying attention? Did I miss something? Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it...
This year boasted the release of my first non-fiction book, as well as the release of a compilation I was asked to be a part of, a very busy speaking schedule, book tour, more TV appearances and radio interviews than I care to count, and my kids' first competitive swim meets. On top of that? Well, I'm thrilled and excited to share that Kayla and I were just offered a three-book deal from B&H Publishers for our romantic suspense series set in Alaska! The first one releases in 2011 - so be sure to watch for details!
That leads to my next news :)
As things gear up for this new series, Kayla and I will be blogging about our writing journey. She'll blog, and I'll blog, and we'll even video/blog together :) - should be LOTS of fun. Another exciting new thing: Kayla will be starting a new blog soon for teens and kids, (well, you "older" folks will enjoy it too!) and pursuing her own series for kids. So, if you have any young people in your life, be sure to share the news with them - it will be a separate web-site ( so let's get the word out! As soon as we have it live, I will let you all know.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and a blessed holiday season as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. As always, I love to hear from you - and Kayla and I would LOVE to hear any ideas you may have for the blog or websites.
Thank you all for stickin' with us - and keep on reading!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Annual Gobble-Gobble Plunge
Well folks, it's that time of year again. I've now had 352 requests about my turkey diving story... (yes, I'm anal enough to go and count them) - "when are you going to post turkey diving?" "I want to read turkey diving again" "Isn't it turkey diving time?"
So this is for all of you... And if you haven't experienced turkey diving yet, I expect you to try it and to hear all about it!
After much interest in a post where I mentioned turkey diving -(and don't forget the prodding and threats from my wonderful readership) - This story's for you!
Our Safeway does this great thing before Thanksgiving where turkeys go on sale (this really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone). Anyway, it will have the really nice, brand-name turkeys for a deal - like up to a 14 pounder for a few bucks, and then over a 14 pounder for a couple bucks more. The key - is getting the most turkey poundage for your buck, right? Everyone with me so far?
Okay. So - the only way to really do this is to DIG through all of the turkeys in the freezer bins. Most people don't go to the trouble of intense searching, they see the sign and think, "ooh, turkeys are on sale" - and grab one. How do I know this? Many years of observation, that's how!
Let me tell you, those people disappoint me. Where's the fun in that? There is none! So...
This is what I do:
Go to the store with several friends- (it's even more fun if they have a child or two with them... you'll understand in a minute)- Head to those turkey freezers and everyone stake out territory. Then, you dig. And there are rules: You MUST look at every turkey in the freezer. Yes, I said EVERY turkey. And if you are too short to reach all the way in, you yell, "I'm goin' in!" One of your faithful friends will help you by holding your legs so that you can "dive" in. Another option is to throw a small child in to help you look (not literally - you don't really think I would do that, now do you?) Actually, you can hold the child's legs while they reach for that last one in the corner that no-one else can get to, but you just KNOW that's it's the biggest one in the freezer!
The other important thing to remember - is to sing! Yes, you heard me. Sing.
My personal favorite is "I love you a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck..." This is great fun while turkey diving.
So, now you have the turkey diving story. I'm going to have to trademark it since everyone will know what I'm talking about. :)
This Thanksgiving season, I'll be watching for all you newbie "turkey divers" -- just don't come to MY Safeway -- I already have it staked out.
~kimberley woodhouse, copyright 2005
So this is for all of you... And if you haven't experienced turkey diving yet, I expect you to try it and to hear all about it!
After much interest in a post where I mentioned turkey diving -(and don't forget the prodding and
Our Safeway does this great thing before Thanksgiving where turkeys go on sale (this really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone). Anyway, it will have the really nice, brand-name turkeys for a deal - like up to a 14 pounder for a few bucks, and then over a 14 pounder for a couple bucks more. The key - is getting the most turkey poundage for your buck, right? Everyone with me so far?
Okay. So - the only way to really do this is to DIG through all of the turkeys in the freezer bins. Most people don't go to the trouble of intense searching, they see the sign and think, "ooh, turkeys are on sale" - and grab one. How do I know this? Many years of observation, that's how!
Let me tell you, those people disappoint me. Where's the fun in that? There is none! So...
This is what I do:
Go to the store with several friends- (it's even more fun if they have a child or two with them... you'll understand in a minute)- Head to those turkey freezers and everyone stake out territory. Then, you dig. And there are rules: You MUST look at every turkey in the freezer. Yes, I said EVERY turkey. And if you are too short to reach all the way in, you yell, "I'm goin' in!" One of your faithful friends will help you by holding your legs so that you can "dive" in. Another option is to throw a small child in to help you look (not literally - you don't really think I would do that, now do you?) Actually, you can hold the child's legs while they reach for that last one in the corner that no-one else can get to, but you just KNOW that's it's the biggest one in the freezer!
The other important thing to remember - is to sing! Yes, you heard me. Sing.
My personal favorite is "I love you a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck..." This is great fun while turkey diving.
So, now you have the turkey diving story. I'm going to have to trademark it since everyone will know what I'm talking about. :)
This Thanksgiving season, I'll be watching for all you newbie "turkey divers" -- just don't come to MY Safeway -- I already have it staked out.
~kimberley woodhouse, copyright 2005
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Things I Learned...
I just returned from a six-week book/speaking tour for the launch of my book, Welcome Home.
Over the period of travel for this trip, I learned some valuable lessons that I think others should know, should they decide to venture out on a similar endeavor.
Now, I should give you a disclaimer: I have been touring for almost 12 years with my speaking and music ministry - but I'm still learning - as you will discover below. :)
Things I learned on my six-week tour:
Over the period of travel for this trip, I learned some valuable lessons that I think others should know, should they decide to venture out on a similar endeavor.
Now, I should give you a disclaimer: I have been touring for almost 12 years with my speaking and music ministry - but I'm still learning - as you will discover below. :)
Things I learned on my six-week tour:
- Water is precious. This I know firsthand, from living in Colorado where we pay a pretty penny for our water. But in an RV - water is REALLY precious - especially hot water.
- The inability to use cruise control for over 6,000 miles - while pulling George (the aforementioned RV) through heavy wind and up and down hills... not a good thing. I still have a cramp in my leg.
- Aggressive, climbing snakes should be dealt with immediately if seen in close proximity to George. Trust me on this one. (Thanks, Erica.)
- Lots of rain and wood blocks attract ants. 'Nough said.
- Lack of reliable internet for six weeks while trying to work on my "marketing" - doesn't work too well.
- Blackberries (my phones) that malfunction a week and a half into the trip - do not help the above situation. Especially when I couldn't use a "y," "t," "i," "u," "d," or "5" in any of my correspondence.
- It is not the best idea to rely on people who have never pulled a trailer to assist/direct in backing up trailer.
- Someone will inevitably think you're the coolest person around and ask you to sign their arm. (I had three!)
- Always bring candy to booksignings. It opens the door for great conversations.
- Always know where the bathroom is at booksignings. (Trust me, you'll get asked.)
- Always be ready to twiddle your thumbs at booksignings. Be comfortable sitting there by yourself if need be.
- When you're fortunate enough to sign so many books that the bookstore manager just about kisses your feet for being there - praise God, and be thankful. Remember the other signings where you signed five, and praise God for keeping you humble.
- Be ready to sign your book any time, any place. For instance - the bathroom, or perhaps when you're dumping sewage. (See the previous blog post if the "dumping sewage" part threw you off.)
- Bring lots of shoes. Just make sure you can get to them when you need them.
- I love talking to kids. Elementary, Junior High, High School students. I had a ball talking to schools - and they seemed to have fun, too.
- I really, really, really, really, really, really, like my own bed. And my home. I appreciate it all even more now.
- I have some of the greatest friends in the world. Thanks for coming to see us and support us - and for the refreshment along the way.
- My kids, Josh and Kayla, are the most amazing, inspiring, and wonderful kids around. (Okay, so I already knew that - but wow, they made the trip even better!)
- Even if just one person's life was touched or changed, it was worth it.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Life As an Author On the Road...
Oh, the glamorous life of an author! (Insert hysterical laughter here)
I giggle every time a new “fan” comes up to me and says with a dreamy sigh, “I would just love to be an author and travel around like you…”
While the life of ‘us writers’ (can you hear my southern twang?) is truly wonderful and constantly adventurous—it might not be as glamorous as you think.
So today is dedicated to stories from the road. I’m on a six-week book tour, getting the word out about my new release, Welcome Home. Below you’ll find some “glamorous” tidbits of the fun we have had…
I giggle every time a new “fan” comes up to me and says with a dreamy sigh, “I would just love to be an author and travel around like you…”
While the life of ‘us writers’ (can you hear my southern twang?) is truly wonderful and constantly adventurous—it might not be as glamorous as you think.
So today is dedicated to stories from the road. I’m on a six-week book tour, getting the word out about my new release, Welcome Home. Below you’ll find some “glamorous” tidbits of the fun we have had…
- The choke on the backup generator got bumped to “on” as we were pulling out of Colorado – gasoline began to spew all over the RV, the road, and me… (that was a LOT of fun to clean up!)
- First night on the road, we finally made it to our destination: a wonderful RV park in Texas. It was well past midnight; the kids and I were getting the rig set up with flashlights, trying to be as quiet as we could. Then… the water line had a leak. Oh, and not just any ol’ little, drippy leak. We’re talking Old Faithful, gushing, fountain-like kind of leak. I gave up and went to bed. (Thankfully, it was an easy fix the next day with a simple O-ring… whew!)
- After day one’s adventures and getting myself drenched twice in one day, I prayed for a little calmer second day. On a little highway in Texas, I received my wish. Counting giant windmills to pass the time and miles, my children counted over 1400 in less than an hour. Gotta love West Texas.
- The adventures continued as Houston traffic became hazardous to my health and blood pressure. I have gained a new respect for anyone pulling a large trailer going five miles slower than everyone else, and for people who actually know how to use a blinker.
- Backing up with a trailer (and my whole rig is almost 50 feet long) has proved to test my best thinking skills and ability to talk to myself while driving. “Now, I need to turn my wheels right… no left… no right, to get the trailer to back up to the left?” To which my son Josh jokingly replied, “Mom? I don’t drive, why are you asking me?” (Let’s just say my comedy of errors will definitely make it in a book one day… and I'm actually pretty good at backing up now)
- Lots of rain and wood blocks under tongue of the trailer attracted ants. Lots of them. They made a nest. Let’s just say I left those blocks (and hopefully the ants) in Alabama.
- A truck driver stopped me at a truck stop in Arkansas as I was utilizing the lovely “dump” station for George (our RV) – I was hot, sweaty, and draining sewage – I’m sure it was a beautiful sight. He asked, “Hey, haven’t I seen you somewhere?” Ugh. Yep – you guessed it, he’d seen us on TV. But it gets better – he was reading my book, had it in the cab of his truck, and proceeded to ask me for an autograph. I asked him if he wanted to wait until I was done, or if he wanted me to go ahead and sign it then and there. He laughed so hard, he sat down on the ground.
These are only a few of my crazy adventures from the road. But there've been amazing, and humbling stories, too:
- People who drove three to seven hours to come to one of my booksignings
- Kayla getting to meet another 12-year-old who struggles with a rare medical condition
- Hugs and prayers from fans all over the place
- Being told I was the most powerful speaker someone had ever heard
- Seeing family and friends from years gone by
- Listening to testimony after testimony about how my book has actually changed people's lives
- Speaking in my sister's city the very week that she delivered her very first baby!
Our God is so cool - and so very good. My life may not be glamorous, but it sure is fun...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
A Bus, A Megaphone, and Ty Pennington...
I'm a little frazzled right now as I prepare for a six-week book/speaking tour. But today is very special.
Two years ago today, the amazing Extreme Makeover: Home Edition team pulled up in a bus and Ty Pennington shouted to the sky and everyone within hearing distance, "Good Morning, Woodhouse Family!"
To say that it changed our lives doesn't quite express that experience correctly. Each and every day I wake up and praise God for what He's done.
I'm so thankful. Thankful for this amazing home. Thankful for my kids' health improvements. Thankful for the opportunities that have opened up because of this. And thankful for the chance to encourage and bring hope to other people in need.
Thank you all for your encouragement, love, and support. Thank you for your notes, your hugs, your buying 20 copies of my book to give to friends. :) Thank you for traveling this journey with us.
A special thanks to Matt and Shannon Swanson. You are precious to us. Thank you for all you did to make this possible. And thanks to the community of Colorado Springs.
God is so good.
I pray you are all blessed by our story - and let me remind you that His joy is always there.
Two years ago today, the amazing Extreme Makeover: Home Edition team pulled up in a bus and Ty Pennington shouted to the sky and everyone within hearing distance, "Good Morning, Woodhouse Family!"
To say that it changed our lives doesn't quite express that experience correctly. Each and every day I wake up and praise God for what He's done.
I'm so thankful. Thankful for this amazing home. Thankful for my kids' health improvements. Thankful for the opportunities that have opened up because of this. And thankful for the chance to encourage and bring hope to other people in need.
Thank you all for your encouragement, love, and support. Thank you for your notes, your hugs, your buying 20 copies of my book to give to friends. :) Thank you for traveling this journey with us.
A special thanks to Matt and Shannon Swanson. You are precious to us. Thank you for all you did to make this possible. And thanks to the community of Colorado Springs.
God is so good.
I pray you are all blessed by our story - and let me remind you that His joy is always there.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Three Years and Counting...
Today marks the three-year anniversary of my beautiful daughter Kayla's brain decompression surgery.
Our great God never ceases to amaze me. I look at my incredible kids every day and am marveled by His grace and love.
And what I think about on Sept. 26 is the fact that Kayla's brain was being squished by her skull. Part of her skull has since been removed, part of the top two vertebrae were drilled out, and her dura membraine was opened up and made bigger. Looking at her today, I can hardly believe it.
Kayla has been through so much in her life, and yet, she keeps on smiling. Each day she faces with new determination and grit. She swims miles upon miles every day, studies her Bible, does mountains of schoolwork, and brainstorms new books with me. To look at her, you'd never guess that she deals with a rare nerve disorder every day, or that she underwent such a huge surgery three years ago.
I'm attaching a picture of the kids at the Grand Canyon this past spring. Look at this picture and try to tell me our God isn't awesome. Look at this picture and try to tell me He's not the God of miracles. Look at this picture and try to tell me it's okay to whine and complain. :)
Instead? Look at this picture and be amazed. Then look at your own life. Pick yourself up by your bootstraps, grab onto His joy, and smile.
Life is hard. But our God is SO good.
Brain Surgery,
Chiari Malformation,
Kayla Woodhouse
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Follow the Blog Tour for WELCOME HOME!!
Click on the link below to follow the blog tour and see where we're talking about WELCOME HOME
And don't forget to order or pick up your copy today - AVAILABLE NOW!!
And don't forget to order or pick up your copy today - AVAILABLE NOW!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Follow the Blog Tour for WELCOME HOME!!
I am privileged and honored to be featured on all these blogs. Please follow the blog tour and comment on them! Some are even giving away copies of my book Welcome Home
Thank you so much! Please be in prayer for the launching of this book.
2-Aug-09 Lena Nelson Dooley
10-Aug-09 Tracy Ruckman
12-Aug-09 Sherry Kyle
16-Aug-09 Angie Breidenbach
17-Aug-09 Mary DeMuth
17-Aug-09 Laura Hilton
17-Aug-09 Ane Mulligan
18-Aug-09 Melanie Dickerson
19-Aug-09 Tiffany Colter and
19-Aug-09 Tiffany Stockton
19-Aug-09 Stormi Johnson
20-Aug-09 Christa Allan
20-Aug-09 Elizabeth Ludwig
21-Aug-09 Debra Ullrick
22-Aug-09 Paulette Harris
23-Aug-09 Ane Mulligan
24-Aug-09 Evangeline Denmark
24-Aug-09 Sharon Lavy
24-Aug-09 Donna Moore
25-Aug-09 CJ Darlington
25-Aug-09 Marjorie Vawter
26-Aug-09 Donita K. Paul
26 Aug - 09 Delores Liesner
28-Aug-09 Cynthia Ruchti
28-Aug-09 Angie Arndt
30-Aug-09 Ronie Kendig
31-Aug-09 Dineen Miller
31-Aug-09 Jan Parrish
1-Sep-09 Lori Kasbeer
2-Sep-09 Pamela James
3-Sep-09 Cheryl Wyatt
4-Sep-09 Angie Arndt
5-Sep-09 Heather Tipton
7-Sep-09 Gina Conroy
9-Sep-09 Tricia Goyer
9-Sep-09 Michele Cushatt
11-Sep-09 Camy Tang
11-Sep-09 Angie Arndt
11-Sep-09 Darcie Gudger
12-Sep-09 Kay Day
13-Sep-09 Cara Putman
14-Sep-09 Paula Moldenhauer
15-Sep-09 Lynn Mosher
15-Sep-09 Seekerville
16-Sep-09 Jodi York
16-Sep-09 Linda Baldwin
16-Sep-09 Alison Strobel
16-Sep-09 Niki Nowell
21-Sep-09 Tirsh Perry
LaShaunda Hoffman
Thank you so much! Please be in prayer for the launching of this book.
2-Aug-09 Lena Nelson Dooley
10-Aug-09 Tracy Ruckman
12-Aug-09 Sherry Kyle
16-Aug-09 Angie Breidenbach
17-Aug-09 Mary DeMuth
17-Aug-09 Laura Hilton
17-Aug-09 Ane Mulligan
18-Aug-09 Melanie Dickerson
19-Aug-09 Tiffany Colter and
19-Aug-09 Tiffany Stockton
19-Aug-09 Stormi Johnson
20-Aug-09 Christa Allan
20-Aug-09 Elizabeth Ludwig
21-Aug-09 Debra Ullrick
22-Aug-09 Paulette Harris
23-Aug-09 Ane Mulligan
24-Aug-09 Evangeline Denmark
24-Aug-09 Sharon Lavy
24-Aug-09 Donna Moore
25-Aug-09 CJ Darlington
25-Aug-09 Marjorie Vawter
26-Aug-09 Donita K. Paul
26 Aug - 09 Delores Liesner
28-Aug-09 Cynthia Ruchti
28-Aug-09 Angie Arndt
30-Aug-09 Ronie Kendig
31-Aug-09 Dineen Miller
31-Aug-09 Jan Parrish
1-Sep-09 Lori Kasbeer
2-Sep-09 Pamela James
3-Sep-09 Cheryl Wyatt
4-Sep-09 Angie Arndt
5-Sep-09 Heather Tipton
7-Sep-09 Gina Conroy
9-Sep-09 Tricia Goyer
9-Sep-09 Michele Cushatt
11-Sep-09 Camy Tang
11-Sep-09 Angie Arndt
11-Sep-09 Darcie Gudger
12-Sep-09 Kay Day
13-Sep-09 Cara Putman
14-Sep-09 Paula Moldenhauer
15-Sep-09 Lynn Mosher
15-Sep-09 Seekerville
16-Sep-09 Jodi York
16-Sep-09 Linda Baldwin
16-Sep-09 Alison Strobel
16-Sep-09 Niki Nowell
21-Sep-09 Tirsh Perry
LaShaunda Hoffman
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Winners Announced, Website Revamped, and Wabbit Trails...
Sorry, I couldn't resist alliteration.
FIRST! Drum-roll please - I am announcing the winners of our year-long reading contest:
First Place - Leila Goheen
Second Place - Leticia Glidewell
Third Place - Debby Sumpter
Fourth Place - Kellie Minkler
Leila and Leticia both almost read 24,000 pages each this past year. Debby read almost 19,000 pages, and Kellie read almost 14,000 pages. Congratulations to all our winners - and thank you so much for participating!
To claim your prize - you must do TWO things :) First, leave a comment on this blog post about your reading experience this year - and second, use the contact page on this website to confirm your mailing address. I want to triple-check these boxes before we mail them out - they have a lot of books in them!
And just so you know - There were 3,509 entries!!!!!! That's a lot of entries and a lot of books read!
More than 2,000 people read 10,000 pages or more in a year.
More than 500 people wrote in asking for recommendations of books.
And over 200 people read through their Bible in the past year.
What an awesome contest.
Now, I've already had requests to do it again... whew, that makes me tired - but keep watching - I just might get adventurous and do it again!
Many of you have noticed that the website is a little different. We have completely revamped it and updated it, but it is still a work in progress. Please keep watching the appearances page for updates on my fall tour. I would LOVE to see any of you at the churches or speaking engagements or booksignings. If you still would like to try to squeeze us in - please use the contact form on the contact page!
I've gotten thousands upon thousands of emails through this site from those of you who follow the blog or just like coming to my website to check and see what's happening. Thank you. Thank you for reaching out to us, for supporting us, and praying for us. I've been doing a lot of thinking, planning, and reflecting. I'm looking forward to the future and what the Lord has in store for us. Be watching the blog for more details!
Thank you all for your patience as this summer has flown by and my book Welcome Home has launched.
Again, congratulations to our winners! Thank you to all the wonderful authors who donated books for prizes!
In His Abundant Joy!
FIRST! Drum-roll please - I am announcing the winners of our year-long reading contest:
First Place - Leila Goheen
Second Place - Leticia Glidewell
Third Place - Debby Sumpter
Fourth Place - Kellie Minkler
Leila and Leticia both almost read 24,000 pages each this past year. Debby read almost 19,000 pages, and Kellie read almost 14,000 pages. Congratulations to all our winners - and thank you so much for participating!
To claim your prize - you must do TWO things :) First, leave a comment on this blog post about your reading experience this year - and second, use the contact page on this website to confirm your mailing address. I want to triple-check these boxes before we mail them out - they have a lot of books in them!
And just so you know - There were 3,509 entries!!!!!! That's a lot of entries and a lot of books read!
More than 2,000 people read 10,000 pages or more in a year.
More than 500 people wrote in asking for recommendations of books.
And over 200 people read through their Bible in the past year.
What an awesome contest.
Now, I've already had requests to do it again... whew, that makes me tired - but keep watching - I just might get adventurous and do it again!
Many of you have noticed that the website is a little different. We have completely revamped it and updated it, but it is still a work in progress. Please keep watching the appearances page for updates on my fall tour. I would LOVE to see any of you at the churches or speaking engagements or booksignings. If you still would like to try to squeeze us in - please use the contact form on the contact page!
I've gotten thousands upon thousands of emails through this site from those of you who follow the blog or just like coming to my website to check and see what's happening. Thank you. Thank you for reaching out to us, for supporting us, and praying for us. I've been doing a lot of thinking, planning, and reflecting. I'm looking forward to the future and what the Lord has in store for us. Be watching the blog for more details!
Thank you all for your patience as this summer has flown by and my book Welcome Home has launched.
Again, congratulations to our winners! Thank you to all the wonderful authors who donated books for prizes!
In His Abundant Joy!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Who Will Win?
Our year-long reading contest is coming to a close! Everyone needs to get their tallies in to me by June 30th.
We've had over 3,500 participants write in over the past year that they were participating, and we have WONDERFUL prizes - lots of great books donated from INCREDIBLE authors! Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this possible.
Remember to email through the site -
Your name, your address, total number of books read with title and author, total number of pages read, and if you read through the entire Bible in this past year. Am I missing anything?
Winners will be announced in July, (if all 3,500 of you send in sheets, it may take us awhile to sort through them all) and we will be sending out the prizes. My wonderful friend and assistant, Lori, will be having fun at the post office - that's for sure!
Thanks for being a part of the contest. I can't wait to hear from you!
Keep reading!!!
We've had over 3,500 participants write in over the past year that they were participating, and we have WONDERFUL prizes - lots of great books donated from INCREDIBLE authors! Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this possible.
Remember to email through the site -
Your name, your address, total number of books read with title and author, total number of pages read, and if you read through the entire Bible in this past year. Am I missing anything?
Winners will be announced in July, (if all 3,500 of you send in sheets, it may take us awhile to sort through them all) and we will be sending out the prizes. My wonderful friend and assistant, Lori, will be having fun at the post office - that's for sure!
Thanks for being a part of the contest. I can't wait to hear from you!
Keep reading!!!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
I posted this on our ACFWColorado blog this morning and thought I'd share it here:
Writing should be a discipline. How many of you look at it as such?
As I sit here at the pool for another long swim-team practice, I'm struck by that word - discipline. My kids are swimmers. We have practice six days a week, three hours a day. Then, we head to the YMCA and they swim for another hour or two. They are disciplined. Determined. Focused. When I was growing up, it was piano practice that took two to three hours of my day. My point? To excel at anything, you have to practice. It's a discipline.
I've met a lot of other writers since immersing myself in this world of an author. One thing I have noticed is how many "wannabe" writers - and even a few published writers - don't want to work at it. They want to be discovered, get published, become famous, and it all to happen overnight by osmosis. Because they have talent. They shouldn't have to work at it. They should just write and it be gloriously brilliant the first draft. I mean once you're published, you shouldn't need to attend classes at a conference, submit anything to critique partners, or work to polish your masterpiece. It's all about marketing, networking, and sales at that point. Right?
Ummm, that's a big fat NO.
You have to work at writing. You have to constantly be willing to learn. You have to practice the art of writing. It takes discipine. It takes diligence.
Just like one performance of Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody takes hundreds of hours of practice at the piano, or one 100 meter Freestyle sprint in the Olympics takes swimming hundreds of thousands of meters - so one well-written manuscript should take work, practice, edits, and thousands of uses of the delete button.
Are you willing to practice? Are you willing to keep learning? Are you willing to be disciplined about this art and craft?
Don't get caught up in the old adage "practice makes perfect" - it isn't true. As I've told all my students over the years, "Practice doesn't make it perfect. Only perfect practice makes it perfect." If you are continually practicing the wrong way - it will never be perfect.
Be willing to stretch yourself. Be willing to learn. Be willing to grow. Be disciplined. Join a writing group like ACFW and surround yourself with others who will encourage you, hold you accountable, and help you along this writing road.
Write. Write. And write some more. Humble yourself and ask for direction, for help, for another set of eyes. And learn how to take constructive criticism.
Discipline. I'm learning even more about it from my kids. What an awesome way to learn.
Writing should be a discipline. How many of you look at it as such?
As I sit here at the pool for another long swim-team practice, I'm struck by that word - discipline. My kids are swimmers. We have practice six days a week, three hours a day. Then, we head to the YMCA and they swim for another hour or two. They are disciplined. Determined. Focused. When I was growing up, it was piano practice that took two to three hours of my day. My point? To excel at anything, you have to practice. It's a discipline.
I've met a lot of other writers since immersing myself in this world of an author. One thing I have noticed is how many "wannabe" writers - and even a few published writers - don't want to work at it. They want to be discovered, get published, become famous, and it all to happen overnight by osmosis. Because they have talent. They shouldn't have to work at it. They should just write and it be gloriously brilliant the first draft. I mean once you're published, you shouldn't need to attend classes at a conference, submit anything to critique partners, or work to polish your masterpiece. It's all about marketing, networking, and sales at that point. Right?
Ummm, that's a big fat NO.
You have to work at writing. You have to constantly be willing to learn. You have to practice the art of writing. It takes discipine. It takes diligence.
Just like one performance of Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody takes hundreds of hours of practice at the piano, or one 100 meter Freestyle sprint in the Olympics takes swimming hundreds of thousands of meters - so one well-written manuscript should take work, practice, edits, and thousands of uses of the delete button.
Are you willing to practice? Are you willing to keep learning? Are you willing to be disciplined about this art and craft?
Don't get caught up in the old adage "practice makes perfect" - it isn't true. As I've told all my students over the years, "Practice doesn't make it perfect. Only perfect practice makes it perfect." If you are continually practicing the wrong way - it will never be perfect.
Be willing to stretch yourself. Be willing to learn. Be willing to grow. Be disciplined. Join a writing group like ACFW and surround yourself with others who will encourage you, hold you accountable, and help you along this writing road.
Write. Write. And write some more. Humble yourself and ask for direction, for help, for another set of eyes. And learn how to take constructive criticism.
Discipline. I'm learning even more about it from my kids. What an awesome way to learn.
ACFW Colorado,
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The End is Drawing Near - Reading Contest
I've already received some of your lists, and others have asked how much longer they have to read. :) You guys are great!
I will accept entries until the last day of June. So read your little hearts out until then, just make sure I receive your entry by June 30.
Remember, keep track of number of books, pages, and your Bible reading.
It has been a great year - thank you all so much for sticking with me on this challenge! It has been a crazy year for us, and this grew bigger than I expected. I really had no idea how many people would enter, and what an inspiration it would be to so many to read! I may do another one soon (a shorter one since you guys are so incredibly amazing), so be watching!
Send me a note through the contact form on this site and I'll let you know how to turn in your totals.
Happy Reading!
I will accept entries until the last day of June. So read your little hearts out until then, just make sure I receive your entry by June 30.
Remember, keep track of number of books, pages, and your Bible reading.
It has been a great year - thank you all so much for sticking with me on this challenge! It has been a crazy year for us, and this grew bigger than I expected. I really had no idea how many people would enter, and what an inspiration it would be to so many to read! I may do another one soon (a shorter one since you guys are so incredibly amazing), so be watching!
Send me a note through the contact form on this site and I'll let you know how to turn in your totals.
Happy Reading!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
SwimNetwork Article on Kayla
Visit and click on the story, "More Than Just A Sport" to see a new article on Kayla.
USA Swimming is incredible and we so enjoy being a part.
USA Swimming is incredible and we so enjoy being a part.
Kayla Woodhouse,
USA Swimming
Monday, May 18, 2009
Welcome Home: Our Family's Journey to Extreme Joy

I'm excited to let you all know that my non-fiction book, Welcome Home: Our Family's Journey to Extreme Joy is now available for pre-order on and
Click here to order from Amazon
Click here to order from CBD and read the reviews
Reading Contest!!
Okay, folks. We only have a few weeks left in our reading contest. Gather up all the titles and page numbers and keep a tally sheet to send to me. We have incredible, and I do mean, INCREDIBLE prizes.
If you have any questions or comments - post them soon, so that everyone is ready for the contest to end.
I'm so excited about how many people have entered this reading contest. Here is a link to some of the books that will be given away as prizes. With links to all the incredible authors' websites.
So check out the books and keep those pages turning. Time is running short!
Here is another reminder and more info.
Keep track of the title, author, and number of pages for the books that you read.
And ALL books count. If you are a pre-school teacher and read a stack of books each day to your students, they ALL count. Keep track of them! The non-fiction, self-help books that you read, Bible Study books, novels, books you read to your children, AND there will be a special prize for those who read through the entire Bible during our year-long contest!
There will be winners for:
Most Books Read
Most Pages Read
Most Variety of Authors Read
and those who read through the entire Bible AND one of the above.
And another big shout-out THANK YOU to all the amazing authors who donated prizes:
A.K. Arenz
Shirley Kiger Connolly
Mary Davis
Sharon Dunn
Laurie Alice Eakes
Tina Ann Forkner
Cynthia Hickey
Anita Higman
J.M. Hochstetler
Michelle Sutton
Nancy Jo Jenkins
Patti Lacy
Vickie McDonough
S. Dionne Moore
Trish Perry
Stacy Stallings
Camy Tang
Debra Ullrick
Looking forward to hearing about your reading experiences this year!
If you have any questions or comments - post them soon, so that everyone is ready for the contest to end.
I'm so excited about how many people have entered this reading contest. Here is a link to some of the books that will be given away as prizes. With links to all the incredible authors' websites.
So check out the books and keep those pages turning. Time is running short!
Here is another reminder and more info.
Keep track of the title, author, and number of pages for the books that you read.
And ALL books count. If you are a pre-school teacher and read a stack of books each day to your students, they ALL count. Keep track of them! The non-fiction, self-help books that you read, Bible Study books, novels, books you read to your children, AND there will be a special prize for those who read through the entire Bible during our year-long contest!
There will be winners for:
Most Books Read
Most Pages Read
Most Variety of Authors Read
and those who read through the entire Bible AND one of the above.
And another big shout-out THANK YOU to all the amazing authors who donated prizes:
A.K. Arenz
Shirley Kiger Connolly
Mary Davis
Sharon Dunn
Laurie Alice Eakes
Tina Ann Forkner
Cynthia Hickey
Anita Higman
J.M. Hochstetler
Michelle Sutton
Nancy Jo Jenkins
Patti Lacy
Vickie McDonough
S. Dionne Moore
Trish Perry
Stacy Stallings
Camy Tang
Debra Ullrick
Looking forward to hearing about your reading experiences this year!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Words... How Are We Using Them?
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All of us "writers" are wordsmiths. We string words together like beautifully made jewelry, attempting to paint a picture that inspires the mind and soul.
But they aren't always used that way. They can be a powerful sword that slices through people's hearts.
When someone wrongs you, do you go bash that person online with your words? Do you spread all the horrible stories you know about them, trying to get everyone to take your side? Do you get on the phone and spew hateful words? Twitter? Facebook? Blogs?
I'm challenging us all today, because words can hurt. In this age of technology, it takes but mere seconds to get our thoughts out there to the masses. The problem is, how many of us pray about those words before we write them? say them?
I just received an email from a reader who had heard an untruth about our family's story on TV. But guess what? This person began to "follow" me online, and noticed a difference in my words from the other party's. It was a powerful example to this reader.
Now, none of us are perfect. We will hurt people, wrong people, sin, and basically just make a mess out of things. But we can always try to do better. We can work on how we use our words. We can remember that spewing negativity will only make us more miserable. We can pray before we speak, or write.
We can follow Christ's example. How did He use His words?
Words. They are powerful. Use them wisely.
Kimberley Woodhouse is a wife, mother, author, and musician with a quick wit and positive outlook despite difficult circumstances. A popular speaker, she’s shared at more than 600 venues across the country. Kimberley and her family's story have garnered national media attention for many years, but most recently her family was chosen for ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, The Montel Williams Show, and Discovery Health channel’s Mystery ER which premiered in 2008. Her story, Welcome Home: Our Family’s Journey to Extreme Joy, releases in September 2009 from Focus on the Family/Tyndale Publishers and is available now for pre-order. Kimberley lives, writes, and homeschools in Colorado with her husband and two children in their truly “extreme” home. Pre-order Welcome Home
Kim's Website
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Chasing My Tail
Yes, I know, if I were truly chasing my tail - it would be smaller. But seriously, where does the time go?
Between speaking engagements, edits, deadlines, photo inserts, radio interviews, homeschooling, swim team, and just plain ole life - I'm behind. And I'm talking WAY, way, way behind.
Biggest news is that my non-fiction book is available for pre-order now! Woohoo! Please celebrate with me and let everyone know!
Next, I was also asked to contribute to another book that is coming out this summer - please check the books page for more details.
I'd encourage every one of you to get on twitter and follow me - my name is kimwoodhouse on twitter. There are several buttons on the website to make it easy for you - but it will also help to keep everyone informed.
There's much more to come - with pics of the Grand Canyon, news on the kiddos' swimming, dodging tumbleweeds, and news about the reading contest! So, stay tuned!
Off to swim team we go - but I will return, and it won't take as long this time, I promise. :)
In HIS joy!!!
Between speaking engagements, edits, deadlines, photo inserts, radio interviews, homeschooling, swim team, and just plain ole life - I'm behind. And I'm talking WAY, way, way behind.
Biggest news is that my non-fiction book is available for pre-order now! Woohoo! Please celebrate with me and let everyone know!
Next, I was also asked to contribute to another book that is coming out this summer - please check the books page for more details.
I'd encourage every one of you to get on twitter and follow me - my name is kimwoodhouse on twitter. There are several buttons on the website to make it easy for you - but it will also help to keep everyone informed.
There's much more to come - with pics of the Grand Canyon, news on the kiddos' swimming, dodging tumbleweeds, and news about the reading contest! So, stay tuned!
Off to swim team we go - but I will return, and it won't take as long this time, I promise. :)
In HIS joy!!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
REAL Moms... REAL Jesus - Meet the Friend Who Understands
Do you ever wonder if you're real? Do you ever feel alone? Because nobody could ever feel like you do... no one could ever be your friend... no one could possibly understand.
Oh, my friend, but you are real. You aren't alone. And there's a Friend just waiting for you to share your burdens.
Jill Savage -- founder of Hearts At Home, and author of several books -- recently sent me her new release, REAL Moms... REAL Jesus. And let me tell you, I got sucked in. Read it all in one sitting. Plan on reading it again and again...
This book is for every mom out there. No matter what stage of mothering you are in, this book is for you. Jill shares candidly from her heart. Her love and humor simply ooze out onto the page and make you feel at home -- all while tackling tough, and REAL mom issues.
Issues like - How can God understand? Temptation. Going to the bathroom alone. Uninterrupted sleep. Disobedience, Service, Forgiveness, Truth, Trust, Faith, Prayer, Surrender.
For each instance, she shows us Jesus' example and how to follow in His footsteps.
This book touched me incredibly.
Hearts At Home has always meant a lot to me. I was speaking at a Mom's convention several years ago and afterward, one of the moms stopped and told me, "You bring an entirely new meaning to Stay-At-Home-Mom." We laughed together, because yes, our circumstances aren't quite like most - but it made me appreciate Hearts At Home's ministry more than ever. There are thousands of moms across the country who need that ministry. Moms like me. Moms like you.
I was going to do a giveaway for a copy of this great book, but I have a friend - fellow author, Tiffany Stockton, who is about to (any day!) have her first child. I am going to give it to her. Tiff, I pray the encouragement of Jill's book touches you deeply as it has me.
Jill - thank you for writing this incredible book. I will be purchasing many to give to other moms.
For more information on Jill Savage - please visit: Jill Savage
For more information on Hearts At Home - please visit: Hearts At Home
Oh, my friend, but you are real. You aren't alone. And there's a Friend just waiting for you to share your burdens.
Jill Savage -- founder of Hearts At Home, and author of several books -- recently sent me her new release, REAL Moms... REAL Jesus. And let me tell you, I got sucked in. Read it all in one sitting. Plan on reading it again and again...
This book is for every mom out there. No matter what stage of mothering you are in, this book is for you. Jill shares candidly from her heart. Her love and humor simply ooze out onto the page and make you feel at home -- all while tackling tough, and REAL mom issues.
Issues like - How can God understand? Temptation. Going to the bathroom alone. Uninterrupted sleep. Disobedience, Service, Forgiveness, Truth, Trust, Faith, Prayer, Surrender.
For each instance, she shows us Jesus' example and how to follow in His footsteps.
This book touched me incredibly.
Hearts At Home has always meant a lot to me. I was speaking at a Mom's convention several years ago and afterward, one of the moms stopped and told me, "You bring an entirely new meaning to Stay-At-Home-Mom." We laughed together, because yes, our circumstances aren't quite like most - but it made me appreciate Hearts At Home's ministry more than ever. There are thousands of moms across the country who need that ministry. Moms like me. Moms like you.
I was going to do a giveaway for a copy of this great book, but I have a friend - fellow author, Tiffany Stockton, who is about to (any day!) have her first child. I am going to give it to her. Tiff, I pray the encouragement of Jill's book touches you deeply as it has me.
Jill - thank you for writing this incredible book. I will be purchasing many to give to other moms.
For more information on Jill Savage - please visit: Jill Savage
For more information on Hearts At Home - please visit: Hearts At Home
Saturday, March 7, 2009
I haven't blogged in a while. Life has been crazy, and I mean C-R-A-Z-Y.
But what am I doing now? I'm sitting in bed, propped up by pillows, surrounded by kleenex, ibuprofen, antibiotics, and every kind of de-snottifying medication I had in the house.
Nothing like a little sickness to MAKE you take a break. Even if you don't have time for one.
This entry will probably take every last bit of energy I have, but I will feel satisfaction that I accomplished... something.
This junk has so knocked me off my feet that I understand now why people die from it. "The Crud" - as I've heard it so aptly named - has taken hold and I eagerly await the time when I can, once again, take a full breath without dire consequences. My eyes are swollen, my nose is swollen, and my whole head feels like it could explode at any moment. I'm sure it would be a nasty mess to clean up, but wow, can you imagine the relief? Sigh.
So as I sit here and dream about breathing freely, I'm also thinking about those things that are of eternal value. I know, you're wondering how those two intersected in my mind. But it's true. I recently finished a book by Randy Alcorn, Deadline, that has had me thinking ever since. It's not an easy read - there are a LOT of words in this novel - but well worth the time. It's thought-provoking, and really put my life here on earth into perspective.
I pondered Deadline a lot as I was reading it - but while I've been laid up, I've thought about it much more. And that's saying a ton, because I haven't been able to focus on much.
So when a book touches my life in such a way, I know I am supposed to share. It took me over a week to get through it (but I read really fast) so it may take you a month or more, but I would definitely recommend it. Randy Alcorn tackles some incredibly hard topics, but he also gives a fascinating idea--possibly even a glimpse--of heaven.
And I don't know about you -- but I am really looking forward to heaven. (No sickness in heaven!) Until then, I am going to do my best with what He's given me.
But what am I doing now? I'm sitting in bed, propped up by pillows, surrounded by kleenex, ibuprofen, antibiotics, and every kind of de-snottifying medication I had in the house.
Nothing like a little sickness to MAKE you take a break. Even if you don't have time for one.
This entry will probably take every last bit of energy I have, but I will feel satisfaction that I accomplished... something.
This junk has so knocked me off my feet that I understand now why people die from it. "The Crud" - as I've heard it so aptly named - has taken hold and I eagerly await the time when I can, once again, take a full breath without dire consequences. My eyes are swollen, my nose is swollen, and my whole head feels like it could explode at any moment. I'm sure it would be a nasty mess to clean up, but wow, can you imagine the relief? Sigh.
So as I sit here and dream about breathing freely, I'm also thinking about those things that are of eternal value. I know, you're wondering how those two intersected in my mind. But it's true. I recently finished a book by Randy Alcorn, Deadline, that has had me thinking ever since. It's not an easy read - there are a LOT of words in this novel - but well worth the time. It's thought-provoking, and really put my life here on earth into perspective.
I pondered Deadline a lot as I was reading it - but while I've been laid up, I've thought about it much more. And that's saying a ton, because I haven't been able to focus on much.
So when a book touches my life in such a way, I know I am supposed to share. It took me over a week to get through it (but I read really fast) so it may take you a month or more, but I would definitely recommend it. Randy Alcorn tackles some incredibly hard topics, but he also gives a fascinating idea--possibly even a glimpse--of heaven.
And I don't know about you -- but I am really looking forward to heaven. (No sickness in heaven!) Until then, I am going to do my best with what He's given me.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover... Or A Mom
We're all good at judging, aren't we?
I realize that no matter how hard I try, there will always be someone who doesn't understand my parenting, or our situation. And I am, for the most part, a people-pleaser -- so that makes it more difficult. But over the years, I've had situations happen -- like the one I'm about to tell you -- that have helped to teach me, that sometimes, it really doesn't matter. Some people just won't "get it." Ever. And I don't have to feel bad or beat myself up because of it.
My children were recently participants in a two-day swim meet. It was an exciting event, and Josh and Kayla had worked hard to prepare for it. They LOVE swimming and spend several hours each day working out with their team and at the YMCA.
Anyway, this long meet presented new challenges for us because of our need to keep Kayla cool. So, Jeremy stayed with Josh and our other "fans" out on deck, watching the meet -- while Kayla and I hung out in the air-conditioned "hospitality room." The room is a nice retreat for all the coaches and officials to get a drink, a bite to eat, or just a moment of quiet - away from the constant chaos of the fast-paced event.
Kayla participated in five different events, and Josh in three. In between, Kayla would dry off and we'd head for the cool sanctuary. At one point, we'd been in and out for our different events, and there was an official sitting in the corner, going over her paper-work. She frowned at me and watched Kayla sit down with her book. I wasn't quite sure if we'd invaded her space, or if she was unhappy with something else I'd done, but I tried to settle in with Kayla and read.
A few moments later, this woman stood up to leave and she glared in my direction. "Isn't it too cold in here for your swimmer?"
I tried to smile sweetly with my response, "She doesn't sweat."
Before I could explain any further, she pointed at me and scolded, "You should be keeping your swimmer warm." Mumbling under her breath, she left the room.
I felt terrible. She obviously thought I was a horrible mom for freezing my wet child in between swim events. And what made it even worse in my mind is the fact that I didn't have the chance to explain and probably never would. So she had no clue that we were trying to keep Kayla from getting TOO warm in the midst of hundreds upon hundreds of human bodies putting off body heat.
After I sank to the depths of drowning in my own self-deprecation, I had a shocking revelation. It didn't matter. She may have judged me, but it didn't change the fact that I was doing what was best for my child. She didn't have all the facts, so I couldn't expect her to understand.
It made me think about all the times I've judged people in my mind not fully knowing all the facts myself. It's a scary thing. In the grocery store, at church, at swim team. Ouch.
So my thought is this -- maybe we could all work on that this week. One person at a time, one situation at a time, one day at a time.
What do you think?
I realize that no matter how hard I try, there will always be someone who doesn't understand my parenting, or our situation. And I am, for the most part, a people-pleaser -- so that makes it more difficult. But over the years, I've had situations happen -- like the one I'm about to tell you -- that have helped to teach me, that sometimes, it really doesn't matter. Some people just won't "get it." Ever. And I don't have to feel bad or beat myself up because of it.
My children were recently participants in a two-day swim meet. It was an exciting event, and Josh and Kayla had worked hard to prepare for it. They LOVE swimming and spend several hours each day working out with their team and at the YMCA.
Anyway, this long meet presented new challenges for us because of our need to keep Kayla cool. So, Jeremy stayed with Josh and our other "fans" out on deck, watching the meet -- while Kayla and I hung out in the air-conditioned "hospitality room." The room is a nice retreat for all the coaches and officials to get a drink, a bite to eat, or just a moment of quiet - away from the constant chaos of the fast-paced event.
Kayla participated in five different events, and Josh in three. In between, Kayla would dry off and we'd head for the cool sanctuary. At one point, we'd been in and out for our different events, and there was an official sitting in the corner, going over her paper-work. She frowned at me and watched Kayla sit down with her book. I wasn't quite sure if we'd invaded her space, or if she was unhappy with something else I'd done, but I tried to settle in with Kayla and read.
A few moments later, this woman stood up to leave and she glared in my direction. "Isn't it too cold in here for your swimmer?"
I tried to smile sweetly with my response, "She doesn't sweat."
Before I could explain any further, she pointed at me and scolded, "You should be keeping your swimmer warm." Mumbling under her breath, she left the room.
I felt terrible. She obviously thought I was a horrible mom for freezing my wet child in between swim events. And what made it even worse in my mind is the fact that I didn't have the chance to explain and probably never would. So she had no clue that we were trying to keep Kayla from getting TOO warm in the midst of hundreds upon hundreds of human bodies putting off body heat.
After I sank to the depths of drowning in my own self-deprecation, I had a shocking revelation. It didn't matter. She may have judged me, but it didn't change the fact that I was doing what was best for my child. She didn't have all the facts, so I couldn't expect her to understand.
It made me think about all the times I've judged people in my mind not fully knowing all the facts myself. It's a scary thing. In the grocery store, at church, at swim team. Ouch.
So my thought is this -- maybe we could all work on that this week. One person at a time, one situation at a time, one day at a time.
What do you think?
Friday, February 13, 2009
Valentine's Day Mushiness
Love is in the air. (Or is that the alluring aroma of the pecan pie I made for my husband?)
Since Saturday is Valentine's Day, I'd like this to be an interactive-let's-write-something-ooey-gooey kind of post.
I think everyone should share something mushy. A mushy story of you and your spouse. Or, it could be an almost-coulda-been-mushy-turned-hilarious kind of story. Or even an I-wish-this-would-happen-to-me kind of story.
Who's game?
And just to get everyone started, here's mine:
For Valentine's Day eighteen years ago, the man who is now my husband presented me with a teddy bear holding a little box. In that little box was the yummiest piece of chocolate ever. (And I am a chocolate snob! So my man knew his stuff.)
As the morsel melted in my mouth, I hugged my sweet guy. We were in Bible College, and neither of us had much money, so his gift meant even more.
Taking my hand he walked me down the hill toward my dorm. Suddenly, he stopped and proclaimed, "Hold on! I forgot something!"
He reached into his pocket and pulled out another little box. This time, the box contained an engagement ring. And I've worn it ever since.
Now, if you'd like to post a little story, just click on the comments button. And if we don't get very many, I'll know that you are all out there creating new romantic moments to share!
Love is in the air...
Kimberley Woodhouse is a wife, mother, author, and musician with a quick wit and positive outlook despite difficult circumstances. A popular speaker, she’s shared at more than 600 venues across the country. Kimberley and her family's story have garnered national media attention for many years, but most recently her family was chosen for ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, The Montel Williams Show, and Discovery Health channel’s Mystery ER which premiered in 2008. Her story, Welcome Home: Our Family’s Journey to Extreme Joy, releases in September 2009 from Focus on the Family. Kimberley lives, writes, and homeschools in Colorado with her husband and two children in their truly “extreme” home.
Since Saturday is Valentine's Day, I'd like this to be an interactive-let's-write-something-ooey-gooey kind of post.
I think everyone should share something mushy. A mushy story of you and your spouse. Or, it could be an almost-coulda-been-mushy-turned-hilarious kind of story. Or even an I-wish-this-would-happen-to-me kind of story.
Who's game?
And just to get everyone started, here's mine:
For Valentine's Day eighteen years ago, the man who is now my husband presented me with a teddy bear holding a little box. In that little box was the yummiest piece of chocolate ever. (And I am a chocolate snob! So my man knew his stuff.)
As the morsel melted in my mouth, I hugged my sweet guy. We were in Bible College, and neither of us had much money, so his gift meant even more.
Taking my hand he walked me down the hill toward my dorm. Suddenly, he stopped and proclaimed, "Hold on! I forgot something!"
He reached into his pocket and pulled out another little box. This time, the box contained an engagement ring. And I've worn it ever since.
Now, if you'd like to post a little story, just click on the comments button. And if we don't get very many, I'll know that you are all out there creating new romantic moments to share!
Love is in the air...
Kimberley Woodhouse is a wife, mother, author, and musician with a quick wit and positive outlook despite difficult circumstances. A popular speaker, she’s shared at more than 600 venues across the country. Kimberley and her family's story have garnered national media attention for many years, but most recently her family was chosen for ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, The Montel Williams Show, and Discovery Health channel’s Mystery ER which premiered in 2008. Her story, Welcome Home: Our Family’s Journey to Extreme Joy, releases in September 2009 from Focus on the Family. Kimberley lives, writes, and homeschools in Colorado with her husband and two children in their truly “extreme” home.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
We had the experience of being the first home built in our neighborhood. We've been here a year and a half (roughly), and many homes have sprouted since.
A couple of months ago, the kiddos and I made cookies to bring to all the neighbors. Wouldn't you know, not one neighbor was home when we went to deliver them! :) Yes, I know, my life.
Anyway, we will of course, try again - but today, I had a wonderful introduction.
My neighbor who lives behind us stopped by. A beautiful, and incredibly sweet lady - I felt an instant connection. She had stayed away for awhile, like many of our neighbors, because of the whole TV thing. (I have to say that the respect for our privacy has been wonderful and generous.) But I'm so thankful she dropped by today.
We have an odd situation. We don't get out much, so it's hard to get to know most people. The temperature we live in, is also a little too extreme for most people. (I often get cold myself, and I have acclimated to this for years.) LOL
So, my rambling today is just to say how thankful I am for neighbors. I'm thankful for precious people who understand our "weirdness" and love us anyway. And I'm thankful for God bringing new people into our lives.
A couple of months ago, the kiddos and I made cookies to bring to all the neighbors. Wouldn't you know, not one neighbor was home when we went to deliver them! :) Yes, I know, my life.
Anyway, we will of course, try again - but today, I had a wonderful introduction.
My neighbor who lives behind us stopped by. A beautiful, and incredibly sweet lady - I felt an instant connection. She had stayed away for awhile, like many of our neighbors, because of the whole TV thing. (I have to say that the respect for our privacy has been wonderful and generous.) But I'm so thankful she dropped by today.
We have an odd situation. We don't get out much, so it's hard to get to know most people. The temperature we live in, is also a little too extreme for most people. (I often get cold myself, and I have acclimated to this for years.) LOL
So, my rambling today is just to say how thankful I am for neighbors. I'm thankful for precious people who understand our "weirdness" and love us anyway. And I'm thankful for God bringing new people into our lives.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Ouch. Just the title hurts, doesn't it?
The definition of hypocrite according to Encarta's Online Dictionary is:
"somebody who pretends to have admirable principles, beliefs, or feelings but behaves otherwise"
We're all hypocrites at one point or another. Did you read that? Did I step on your toes? We're all imperfect. We're all sinners.
So you may be wondering why I am writing about this topic. Well, there's been this little thorn in my flesh for a while. Someone who has a leadership role who portrays themself as a model Christian - slandered against us, lied about us, was jealous of us, and just plain ol' hurt our family. I really had to work on forgiving and forgetting. And I mean WORK. It took a long time. But every time something happens that brings up this person or the unfortunate situation - I have to forgive all over again. And it's not always easy.
Another incident took place recently that riled me up. Bringing up all the wounds, all the hurt, all the ANGER. And what did I call this person?
Hypocrite. As the words left my mouth, I felt a little conviction. But I was still too mad to listen. And I continued to think of this person as a hypocrite. And just to be honest and show you my own imperfection, I had other names as well - coward, chicken, mamby-pamby, evil. Yes, I called this person evil.
I didn't sleep well that night. (And I wondered why? LOL) The next morning, during my Bible Study, I had another one of my 2x4 moments. (Yes, that's when I feel like God has to get my attention - and it literally feels like I've been struck - I'm hard-headed, yes, I know.)
I was convicted because we're all sinners. Sin is sin to God. And as much as it hurt, I had to admit I've often been a hypocrite myself. Every time I sin, every time my behavior doesn't back up my beliefs. Ouch.
My husband and I have stated since this fiasco started that if the world equated Christianity with this one person's example - we really didn't want to be associated with Christians. I know that comes across harsh, doesn't it? But let me explain. We want to be associated with Christ. Christians are often all lumped into one big group - and if the only example the world is seeing is an "ugly" example, then we, as Christians have failed. And there are lots of ugly examples. The enemy loves to tear apart Christian ministries, marriages, homes - all in an attempt to win a battle. The question is this, are we willing to fight in the battle? Or are we unwilling to put ourselves out there? Wanting to stay on the sidelines and watch, stay out of harm's way, not risk anything we've worked so hard to build?
Christians have gotten too caught up in wanting to be "liked" more than others in their church, having more members in their church, having more offerings in their plates, having more programs, having more buildings. And I'm not saying that all of these things are bad. I'm saying that our focus has gotten lost. It's not on Christ anymore if it's on numbers, money, or which pastor is liked better than the other.
So, I'm sitting here thinking about these things because my children are very intelligent. They are almost 12 and 14 years old. They are with me ALL the time. They see everything I do, and hear everything I say. Am I being a good example of a Christian to them? Or am I being an example of a hypocrite? Are YOU willing to ask yourself the same questions?
What about going beyond your home? What about your co-workers? Your church family? Your writer's group?
I'm hoping that this post has made you think a little. I know I've been doing a lot of thinking on the subject. I'm working every day on my behavior matching up with my beliefs. Always asking how Christ would handle the situation.
And always remembering John 13:35 "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (NIV)
...and Romans 12:10 "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves." (NIV)
...and I Peter 1:22 "Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart." (NIV)
...and Matthew 28:19-20 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (NASB)
The definition of hypocrite according to Encarta's Online Dictionary is:
"somebody who pretends to have admirable principles, beliefs, or feelings but behaves otherwise"
We're all hypocrites at one point or another. Did you read that? Did I step on your toes? We're all imperfect. We're all sinners.
So you may be wondering why I am writing about this topic. Well, there's been this little thorn in my flesh for a while. Someone who has a leadership role who portrays themself as a model Christian - slandered against us, lied about us, was jealous of us, and just plain ol' hurt our family. I really had to work on forgiving and forgetting. And I mean WORK. It took a long time. But every time something happens that brings up this person or the unfortunate situation - I have to forgive all over again. And it's not always easy.
Another incident took place recently that riled me up. Bringing up all the wounds, all the hurt, all the ANGER. And what did I call this person?
Hypocrite. As the words left my mouth, I felt a little conviction. But I was still too mad to listen. And I continued to think of this person as a hypocrite. And just to be honest and show you my own imperfection, I had other names as well - coward, chicken, mamby-pamby, evil. Yes, I called this person evil.
I didn't sleep well that night. (And I wondered why? LOL) The next morning, during my Bible Study, I had another one of my 2x4 moments. (Yes, that's when I feel like God has to get my attention - and it literally feels like I've been struck - I'm hard-headed, yes, I know.)
I was convicted because we're all sinners. Sin is sin to God. And as much as it hurt, I had to admit I've often been a hypocrite myself. Every time I sin, every time my behavior doesn't back up my beliefs. Ouch.
My husband and I have stated since this fiasco started that if the world equated Christianity with this one person's example - we really didn't want to be associated with Christians. I know that comes across harsh, doesn't it? But let me explain. We want to be associated with Christ. Christians are often all lumped into one big group - and if the only example the world is seeing is an "ugly" example, then we, as Christians have failed. And there are lots of ugly examples. The enemy loves to tear apart Christian ministries, marriages, homes - all in an attempt to win a battle. The question is this, are we willing to fight in the battle? Or are we unwilling to put ourselves out there? Wanting to stay on the sidelines and watch, stay out of harm's way, not risk anything we've worked so hard to build?
Christians have gotten too caught up in wanting to be "liked" more than others in their church, having more members in their church, having more offerings in their plates, having more programs, having more buildings. And I'm not saying that all of these things are bad. I'm saying that our focus has gotten lost. It's not on Christ anymore if it's on numbers, money, or which pastor is liked better than the other.
So, I'm sitting here thinking about these things because my children are very intelligent. They are almost 12 and 14 years old. They are with me ALL the time. They see everything I do, and hear everything I say. Am I being a good example of a Christian to them? Or am I being an example of a hypocrite? Are YOU willing to ask yourself the same questions?
What about going beyond your home? What about your co-workers? Your church family? Your writer's group?
I'm hoping that this post has made you think a little. I know I've been doing a lot of thinking on the subject. I'm working every day on my behavior matching up with my beliefs. Always asking how Christ would handle the situation.
And always remembering John 13:35 "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (NIV)
...and Romans 12:10 "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves." (NIV)
...and I Peter 1:22 "Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart." (NIV)
...and Matthew 28:19-20 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (NASB)
Sunday, January 11, 2009
What is Dad Doing?
Christmas morning was sunny and cold. A beautiful day.
We slept in, had a leisurely breakfast, shared in praise, and opened gifts. We had a lot of fun as we watched each other "ooh" and "aah" over the special presents selected out of love.
Jeremy walked around with a trash bag picking up the wrapping paper as the children studied new items. Pretty soon he disappeared into the garage and came out carrying a few poles. The kiddos looked up and watched him go out the back door. Josh and Kayla glanced at each other and shrugged their shoulders. Sometimes Dad did weird things, right?
He came back inside, heading for the garage. A second time, he traipsed through carrying straps, a net, and a few more poles.
"What is Dad doing?" Josh asked.
Kayla piped up, "Daddy, what are you up to?" (She's a smart kid. And yes, he's usually up to something.)
Jeremy didn't answer, and just smiled as he made another trip.
Kayla grabbed her brother's arm. "Let's go see what he's doing!"
And yet another trip for Jeremy through the house and into the garage, as the kids followed him and spied the box.
Kayla came racing into the house and jumped up and down. "It's a..." She screwed up her face as she tried to find the appropriate word, "It's a jumpy-thingy-majiggy!!!!"
My daughter obviously gets her grasp of English vocabulary from her writer-mother. Because seriously, who named that apparatus a trampoline?
This afternoon, my mother-heart felt warm and fuzzy as I watched my beautiful children jump on their new toy in the thirty-something degree temps. It's so amazing to see Kayla be able to play outside. As she flew into the air, I heard the musical voices of my children's laughter. What a precious sound.
Josh told me later that we needed to use Kayla's name for it. Why? Because according to him, "it's funner." (Yes, I teach my children English in homeschool. That word is totally the result of my friend. Thank you oh so very much, Heather.)
So, if you're headed in this direction, we'd love to have you check out our new, "Jumpy-thingy-majiggy" complete with hours of exercise and fun-- as long as it's under 55 degrees outside.
We slept in, had a leisurely breakfast, shared in praise, and opened gifts. We had a lot of fun as we watched each other "ooh" and "aah" over the special presents selected out of love.
Jeremy walked around with a trash bag picking up the wrapping paper as the children studied new items. Pretty soon he disappeared into the garage and came out carrying a few poles. The kiddos looked up and watched him go out the back door. Josh and Kayla glanced at each other and shrugged their shoulders. Sometimes Dad did weird things, right?
He came back inside, heading for the garage. A second time, he traipsed through carrying straps, a net, and a few more poles.
"What is Dad doing?" Josh asked.
Kayla piped up, "Daddy, what are you up to?" (She's a smart kid. And yes, he's usually up to something.)
Jeremy didn't answer, and just smiled as he made another trip.
Kayla grabbed her brother's arm. "Let's go see what he's doing!"
And yet another trip for Jeremy through the house and into the garage, as the kids followed him and spied the box.
Kayla came racing into the house and jumped up and down. "It's a..." She screwed up her face as she tried to find the appropriate word, "It's a jumpy-thingy-majiggy!!!!"
My daughter obviously gets her grasp of English vocabulary from her writer-mother. Because seriously, who named that apparatus a trampoline?
This afternoon, my mother-heart felt warm and fuzzy as I watched my beautiful children jump on their new toy in the thirty-something degree temps. It's so amazing to see Kayla be able to play outside. As she flew into the air, I heard the musical voices of my children's laughter. What a precious sound.
Josh told me later that we needed to use Kayla's name for it. Why? Because according to him, "it's funner." (Yes, I teach my children English in homeschool. That word is totally the result of my friend. Thank you oh so very much, Heather.)
So, if you're headed in this direction, we'd love to have you check out our new, "Jumpy-thingy-majiggy" complete with hours of exercise and fun-- as long as it's under 55 degrees outside.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Out With the Old... And In With the New Year
I can't believe it's 2009. I'm still in shock.
So many amazing things happened in 2008 - and many difficult things happened in 2008 - but I'm thankful to have gone through them. Life is all about learning and growing. If you aren't willing to go through the tough stuff as well as the good stuff, you never truly feel the exuberance of making it to the other side.

I've had a lot of emails lately asking for pictures of our home at Christmas. The kids and I start in mid-November decorating. It's always been a tradition. (And recently, we've had lots more help since I've been writing new books, and have so much contact from the TV appearances. I couldn't do it alone anymore)

Hundreds of people asked me what we do to keep our home a special place. When we found out about Kayla's disorder, a friend took me shopping. She bought some seasonal decorations, and the next holiday or season, she'd take me again. For years, we've added to the collection to make each day, month, season... special. A reason to celebrate. So, I decorate for all the different holidays and seasons because when you spend the majority of your time inside the house, it's nice to change it up.

Think of it like the changing of the seasons, weather-wise. Kayla has to stay in a very controlled environment - so she can't experience all the weather changes of each season. My solution? Change the season inside. And that's what we do.

The Christmas decorations are being packed away, and out will come the Valentine's.
Life is an adventure. No matter what you are going through, or how hard the times may seem.
Live it.
And live it abundantly.
So many amazing things happened in 2008 - and many difficult things happened in 2008 - but I'm thankful to have gone through them. Life is all about learning and growing. If you aren't willing to go through the tough stuff as well as the good stuff, you never truly feel the exuberance of making it to the other side.
I've had a lot of emails lately asking for pictures of our home at Christmas. The kids and I start in mid-November decorating. It's always been a tradition. (And recently, we've had lots more help since I've been writing new books, and have so much contact from the TV appearances. I couldn't do it alone anymore)
Hundreds of people asked me what we do to keep our home a special place. When we found out about Kayla's disorder, a friend took me shopping. She bought some seasonal decorations, and the next holiday or season, she'd take me again. For years, we've added to the collection to make each day, month, season... special. A reason to celebrate. So, I decorate for all the different holidays and seasons because when you spend the majority of your time inside the house, it's nice to change it up.
Think of it like the changing of the seasons, weather-wise. Kayla has to stay in a very controlled environment - so she can't experience all the weather changes of each season. My solution? Change the season inside. And that's what we do.
The Christmas decorations are being packed away, and out will come the Valentine's.
Life is an adventure. No matter what you are going through, or how hard the times may seem.
Live it.
And live it abundantly.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
My Grandmother's Example
My Grandmother would be 100 years old today. She was an extraordinary lady, and I learned so much from her. I find as I get older, that I am a lot like her, too. Sometimes, it's like a deja vu sensation will strike me, and I realize that I've said or done something exactly like my Grandmother.
If I close my eyes and listen hard enough, I can hear her voice, and the banging of pots and pans in the wee hours of the morning, as she fixed the family breakfast. Everything was made from scratch, and the table was always set beautifully with a tablecloth, her best dishes, and an array of delectable treats.
For Christmas, she always made pecan pie, chess pie, gingerbread men, and coconut cake for dessert. Her pumpkin bread and butterscotch "scotchies" as she called them were also some of my favorites. All the vegetables were grown in her garden and canned. She made the best blackberry jelly I've ever had, and she was a wonderful seamstress.
As I sit here, typing my little remembrance, I am covered with a quilt made by my Grandmother and Great-Grandmother. And I wonder about the things we leave behind. What do I want to pass on to my children and grandchildren?
I've been quilting for many years now, and I make all my own jams and jellies. I even scrapbook and make homemade bread. My Grandmother passed these things to me, and I want to pass them on to my own children, but more than just the tasks. I hope they have the same memories and fondness and appreciation for these things done with love. For homemade goodness that takes time and effort, and the fun of learning at the side of someone special.
I'd like to think that's how it is with our relationship with the Lord. We're learning as we're on this road called life. And the Master is there beside us. The trials and the triumphs all add to the tapestry as it is woven one day at a time.
But sometimes we don't appreciate the beautiful, handmade creation around us - and so we don't pass that down to our own children. We find ourselves surrounded by cynics, and cheaply made items that fall apart so we just go buy something else to entertain us.
That's when I imagine our Savior sitting beside us waiting and watching. Waiting for us to say we're not looking for the easy way out- we're ready to learn something of eternal value, even though the road may be rough and the training vigorous. Waiting to see if we will turn our hearts completely toward Him.
And as we walk beside Him and learn at His elbow, our lives are enriched and made whole. Filled with Joy.
This quilt over my lap has served several generations. It is warm even though the edges are beginning to show their age. It is still a beautiful creation, all done by hand.
It reminds me of a quote by Erma Bombeck - a quote that is hanging over my desk - a quote that is dear to my heart:
"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say: 'I used everything You gave me.'"
My Grandmother did that - she used her talent, and passed on her love for things done "right" to me. It might be harder to do. It might take a lot of time, but well worth the wait.
If I close my eyes and listen hard enough, I can hear her voice, and the banging of pots and pans in the wee hours of the morning, as she fixed the family breakfast. Everything was made from scratch, and the table was always set beautifully with a tablecloth, her best dishes, and an array of delectable treats.
For Christmas, she always made pecan pie, chess pie, gingerbread men, and coconut cake for dessert. Her pumpkin bread and butterscotch "scotchies" as she called them were also some of my favorites. All the vegetables were grown in her garden and canned. She made the best blackberry jelly I've ever had, and she was a wonderful seamstress.
As I sit here, typing my little remembrance, I am covered with a quilt made by my Grandmother and Great-Grandmother. And I wonder about the things we leave behind. What do I want to pass on to my children and grandchildren?
I've been quilting for many years now, and I make all my own jams and jellies. I even scrapbook and make homemade bread. My Grandmother passed these things to me, and I want to pass them on to my own children, but more than just the tasks. I hope they have the same memories and fondness and appreciation for these things done with love. For homemade goodness that takes time and effort, and the fun of learning at the side of someone special.
I'd like to think that's how it is with our relationship with the Lord. We're learning as we're on this road called life. And the Master is there beside us. The trials and the triumphs all add to the tapestry as it is woven one day at a time.
But sometimes we don't appreciate the beautiful, handmade creation around us - and so we don't pass that down to our own children. We find ourselves surrounded by cynics, and cheaply made items that fall apart so we just go buy something else to entertain us.
That's when I imagine our Savior sitting beside us waiting and watching. Waiting for us to say we're not looking for the easy way out- we're ready to learn something of eternal value, even though the road may be rough and the training vigorous. Waiting to see if we will turn our hearts completely toward Him.
And as we walk beside Him and learn at His elbow, our lives are enriched and made whole. Filled with Joy.
This quilt over my lap has served several generations. It is warm even though the edges are beginning to show their age. It is still a beautiful creation, all done by hand.
It reminds me of a quote by Erma Bombeck - a quote that is hanging over my desk - a quote that is dear to my heart:
"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say: 'I used everything You gave me.'"
My Grandmother did that - she used her talent, and passed on her love for things done "right" to me. It might be harder to do. It might take a lot of time, but well worth the wait.
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